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又一年申请季。春节前,好消息自大洋彼岸悄然而至:福州西湖国际学校(FLIS)校友Eason Yao同学喜获斯坦福大学录取通知书!

Another college application season is over. Before the Chinese New Year, good news arrived from across the ocean: Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS) alumnus Eason Yao received a college acceptance letter from Stanford University!


- “FLIS给我们提供了一个非常完整的思想架构。”

作为建校不久后即入读的“大师兄”级学子,Eason Yao在FLIS度过了完整的小学阶段,之后赴美深造数年。此次收获心仪名校Offer, 他亦第一时间与母校分享喜讯。回顾自己的FLIS岁月,Eason坦言当年作为一个小学生,这里的种种经历让他能够真正享受学习的过程,对自己而言极为重要:“我觉得FLIS给我们提供了一个非常完整的思想架构,很好地将中西方教育理念融合在一起,鼓励我们大胆探索。比起大部分国内学校,FLIS的课更加interactive,经常会有团队合作的项目。”

As a veteran alumnus who enrolled shortly after the school's founding, Eason Yao spent his entire primary school years at FLIS before moving to the United States for several years of further study. After receiving the acceptance letter from his dream school of Stanford, he immediately shared the news with his alma mater. Looking back on his FLIS years, Eason admits that as a primary school student, the experiences he had here allowed him to really enjoy the learning process, which was extremely important to him: “I think FLIS provided us with a very complete mindset, blended Chinese and Western education concepts well, and encouraged us to be bold in our explorations. Compared to most public schools, classes at FLIS are more INTERACTIVE and there are often teamwork projects.”


彼时Eason特别喜欢的课程是Social Studies, 这门课让他从小就可以用较为开放的态度看待历史与社会,观点的碰撞与外教课上介绍的西方社会趣事大大拓宽了他的视野。这一萌芽于小学阶段的学科兴趣延续至今,对Eason后来所做的学术研究及课外项目均有影响,甚至还在申请大学过程中发挥了重要作用——美国申请大学时虽无需选定专业,但会让学子填写最感兴趣的专业方向,Eason的兴趣方向为历史,他在申请中以历史串联了自己的活动与文书,展现了较为独特的个人形象。

Eason's favorite class at the time was Social Studies, which allowed him to take a more open-minded view of history and society from an early age. The diverse perspectives and anecdotes about Western society shared by his foreign teachers further broadened his horizons. This budding interest in the subject in primary school continues to this day, and has had an impact on Eason's later academic research and extracurricular projects, and even played an important role in the process of applying for college. Students do not need to choose a major when applying for U.S. college, but they will be asked to write about the field that interests them most. For Eason, that field was history. He integrated  his extracurricular activities and his passion for history in his application, which showcased his unique persona.



At the end of sixth grade, Eason went to the United States for further education. When he first came to the United States, he had to go through a period of adjustment in terms of culture and communication. Luckily, Eason's fluency in English acquired during his time at FLIS allowed him to focus on his academics without any delays, and his six years of exposure to American education made him relatively familiar with the teaching styles and homework requirements of studying in the United States. Another skill Eason singles out is the independence and time management skills he developed during his time at FLIS, “which allowed me to better cope with various challenges during my study abroad experience.”


The seedlings coming out of FLIS just landed on the other side of the ocean and thrived.

- "It takes a village to raise a child."


Last year, FLIS was visited by an Poly Prep Country Day School, the American middle school that Eason attended. The head of its Global Strategy Program regularly visits the best international schools in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou to learn more about the education in China, and Eason's outstanding performance made the head curious about his alma mater, which led to this visit.


Speaking about that visit a year later, Eason's parents recalled how impressed the teacher in charge was with the harmonious atmosphere of FLIS.



Over the years, whenever we talked about why chose FLIS, many parents would extend the discussion to the essence of education. After all, this choice reflects not only the embodiment of the family's educational philosophy, but also the need for alignment of between families and schools on this fundamental issue. Eason's parents said that they chose our international school to help their child better adapt to future studies abroad, gain early exposure to the overseas educational system, and to pursue their family’s long-standing goal of a relatively relaxed education environment. Now it seems that these goals have been successfully realized. In primary school, Eason not only developed his interest and learned knowledge, but also enjoyed the process without pressure; he grew up following the FLIS curriculum without after-school tutoring, and was able to adapt quickly to his new school and new life after going abroad, as well as achieved many successes.






What is “Happy Education”? How does it affect a child's life?

Will children's future be ruined just because they are not “hardworking” enough?

What is the essence of education?

Is it simply to instill knowledge?

Or is it to develop a good character and find different future directions according to individuality, and then wait for kids to thrive like flower bloom?

儿子入读FLIS前后,Eason父母思考、内省不停,他们的想法也随着孩子教育的进阶而不断滚动发展。求知之路终究要靠自己走一遍,回望过去,夫妻二人认为正是六年国际学校宽松而纯正的美式教育体系和充满爱的环境、以及自己坚持“不内卷”适度留白,才能更好地为孩子赋能、让孩子有了更多时间空间思考探索自己想要什么、真正的兴趣点又在哪里,也因此,孩子的学习热情和兴趣得到了保护。"It takes a village to raise a child",这句育人谚语的个中真意,如今二人可算深有感触。

Before and after their son's enrollment at FLIS, Eason's parents were constantly thinking and introspecting, and their thoughts continued to evolve as their child's education progressed. Looking back, the couple believes that it was the flexible American education system and nurturing environment of FLIS, as well as their insistence on rejecting the “rat race” and giving Eason the space to grow at his own pace , that better empowered him and gave him the time and space to think, explore, and discover his true interests. “It takes a village to raise a child”, now the two of them feel very strongly about the proverb.


“Looking back, the primary school years were a critical time for Eason to develop his character and all of his skills, and we feel fortunate that FLIS provided a 'fertile ground'.”



In the eyes of his parents, Eason is a child with inner certainty, self-discipline, strong self-drive and a sense of happiness. Obviously, these traits were not only cultivated by more than ten years of quality education at school, but also the companionship and guidance of the family as a catalyst.

- 给学弟学妹的建议


Going abroad and applying to university is a fork in the road that many FLIS students will face. That's why we asked Eason, who has been there before, for some advice! Hope the tips below will help those who are confused and could use some guidance.

· 保持开放心态 勇于尝试


- Keep an open mind and be willing to try new things

Eason: I think the most important thing is to keep an open mind and try new things. Whether you are applying or enrolled in school, you will encounter many new things and challenges, but as long as you believe in yourself and have a clear plan, you will always be able to find your own rhythm. Many of the extracurricular activities that I am doing in the U.S. right now, such as joining the debate team and organizing various events at school, are things that I didn't think I would be able to do a few years ago. So I hope you won't be afraid of change and don't set too many limits for yourself!


· 尽早规划 提前准备考试及材料 突出个性


- Early preparation of exams and materials; highlighting individuality

Eason: For students applying to high schools or colleges abroad, it is important to plan early, understand the requirements of the schools you are interested in, and prepare standardized tests and application materials in advance. Each country and region has somewhat different requirements, but in terms of the U.S., admissions officers pay special attention to students' curiosity and whether they can show their passion for a field through activities and essays. It is recommended that you try to highlight your personality in your paperwork so that admissions officers can see what makes you different.

· 多参与活动挖掘潜力 锻炼基础技能




- Participate more in activities to explore your potential and work on basic skills.

Eason: It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable at first when you go abroad. Getting involved in school activities, such as clubs or sports teams, will not only help you make friends, but also help you realize your potential in unexpected ways. There are many things you need to handle independently when you go abroad, such as time management and general planning. FLIS has helped us lay some foundations, but we still need to continue to practice these skills.

I hope that all of you will be able to take on new challenges with confidence and enjoy every moment of your study abroad experience!

- “我觉得最重要的是平衡热爱和现实”


Eason has visited Stanford University twice. He traveled to the United States with his parents in first grade, and although many years have passed, he still vividly remembered “the giant pine cones falling from the trees”  from that campus visit. When he visited again last summer, Eason was sure that this was the school he wanted to apply to. With the warmth and humility of the students and professors, and the great atmosphere of the campus, he felt it was the right place to explore.


The university, which has produced more than eighty Nobel Prize winners, is world-renowned for its academic reputation and entrepreneurial atmosphere. When it comes to the future, Eason is extremely excited about studying in-depth in areas that interest him, such as history and international relations, and he considered future employment when applying to university. “But I think the most important thing is to balance love and reality, because if you can't enjoy the process of studying or working, you can't talk about anything else.”



So, congratulations again to Eason on his acceptance letter to his dream school, and we hope that he will be able to move closer to his true passion in the future, find his ambition, and keep on exploring with his inexhaustible curiosity!