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FLIS TALK丨传递爱与温暖 让「照护」被看见


Perhaps because of Thanksgiving, November has always been recognized as the month of gratitude. Students thank their teachers and parents for their guidance and encouragement, schools thank families for their continued support, and farmers thank the fields for another year's bountiful crops. Before the harshness of winter, when the winds blow crisp and refreshing, everyone's heart is overflowing with warmth. This is the season to reflect on the past, to express gratitude, and to convey warmth and care.


上周,福州西湖国际学校中学部王牌讲座项目FLIS TALK迎来新一期嘉宾。我们有幸邀请到了福州市爱加倍社工服务中心主任王素梅女士,为学子诠释「照护」与「疗愈」的重要性。

Last week, FLIS TALK (Fuzhou Lakeside International School's MYP talking program) welcomed a new guest. We were honored to invite Ms. Wang Sumei, Director of Fuzhou Agape Social Work Service Center, to explain the importance of “care” and “healing” to our students.


When it comes to hospitals, the public will immediately think of doctors and patients. Ms. Wang, a graduate of Fujian Medical University, reminds students that in hospitals, apart from doctors, nurses, patients and administrators, there is also a special category of people - the social workers. She is a medical social worker, a professional helper.



In today's society, the number of patients diagnosed with cancer is so huge that it is beyond imagination. “Cancer” is no longer an unfamiliar word to people, and we have seen all the suffering it brings to the patients in movies, TV dramas, literature and in real hospitable rooms across every city. However, many of us may not be aware of the indirect damages caused by cancer: a patient with advanced cancer usually needs 2-4 family members to take care of him/her, and based on the growth rate of cancer patients, every year, about 6-12 million people become caregivers. Symptoms such as sleep disorders and depression affect not only the patient, but also the caregiver - many caregivers are forced to care for the patient all the time, with little socialization, sleep deprivation, and are so stressed out.



While we should be, and are rightly, concerned with cancer patients’ quality of life and their struggles, caregivers also need to be seen and have someone to share the burden with. This is why Agape Social Work Service Center, the organization Ms. Wang works for, was born. In addition to conducting various ward activities, such as music and psychology workshops, concerts, and medical and nursing care activities, its social workers and volunteers also hold regular professional seminars to popularize knowledge and skills in comfort care.


在无数次活动中,社工与志愿者们发现,音乐与艺术具有独特的治愈力量,能够为患者与家庭照护者带来心灵的慰藉与情感的支持。秋冬是FLIS的慈善季,「关爱他人」也是重要的IB学习者特质之一。此前,我们曾与公益组织【福州小家】合作,为白血病患儿筹款、组织志愿活动陪伴患儿。感恩节将近,FLIS MYP学子在爱加倍的牵线搭桥下,也将通过音乐和视觉艺术表演,为关怀患者与家庭照护者献上自己的一份力。感谢王女士的演讲,也希望MYP学子活动顺利,为冰冷的病房注入活力,让病人与家属重新感受到爱与希望!

Throughout countless events, the team at Agape Social Work Service Center has discovered that music and art have a unique healing power to bring spiritual comfort and emotional support to patients and family caregivers. Fall and winter are the charity season at FLIS, and “caring” is also one of the important IB learner traits. Previously, we have partnered with a charity organization, Fuzhou Hope Home, to raise funds for children with leukemia and organize volunteer activities to accompany them. With Thanksgiving approaching, FLIS MYP students, with the help of Agape, will also contribute to caring for patients and family caregivers through music and visual arts performances. We thank Ms. Wang for her speech and hope that the MYP students' activities will go well and be filled with energy and splendor so that the patients and their families can feel love and hope again!