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School Events丨疯狂阅读竞赛大幕开启 释放你的阅读超能力吧!

Madness Readathon


Before the winter break, we had prepared a list of Faculty Reading Recommendations for our students, and we hope that all of you have enjoyed quiet reading time. After a period of warming up, in March, Fuzhou Lakeside International School's annual Madness Readathon returned! This is a competition that encourages students to read by challenging them to read as many books as possible within a set time limit. The theme of this year's Madness Readathon is "Read Your Way", please refer to the posters on each floor of the school. Let’s unleash your reading superpowers!


“疯狂阅读竞赛(Madness Readathon)”化用了“马拉松(Marathon)”一词,因为就像马拉松一般,这也是一段相当考验耐力的“长跑”——但,页数只是竞赛中衡量名次的标准,而沉浸阅读所带来的丰富体验:快乐、悲伤、幸福、愤怒、欣慰……是无法用任何事物衡量的。我们真正希望的,是抵达终点回望之际,每位踏上征途的学子终究会发现,自己收获了独一无二的阅读体验,和一本又一本书、一个又一个角色产生了珍贵的联结。

Madness “Readathon” utilizes the word "marathon" because, like a marathon, it's a "long-run" that tests endurance - but while the number of pages is only a measure of place in the competition, the richness of the experience of immersive reading: joy, sadness, happiness, anger, relief… can't be measured by anything. What we hope is that when reach the finish line and look back, every student who embarks on the journey will eventually realize that he or she has gained a unique reading experience and a precious connection with books and characters.


★ YES! I'm the Author ★ 


Last year, at the Christmas Art Exhibition organized by FLIS in collaboration with Fuzhou Livat™ and IKEA Fuzhou store, we discovered Kathryn's illustrated book, The Little Rock That Wants to Be Famous. The booklet was lying quietly on the side of the booth, and just like the seemingly ordinary little rock in the story, it has a wonderful charm that makes you want to turn it over and find out what it's all about.


如果在展期之外,大家也能欣赏到这部可爱的小绘本就好了……为什么我们不能在校图书馆里看到更多学生的作品呢?于是,今年,在疯狂阅读竞赛之外,校图书馆还准备了一个惊喜活动!我们不仅鼓励学子按照自己的方式来阅读,也欢迎大家写下自己的作品。或许,你是一个默默耕耘的作者,在幻想世界里编织了无数个精彩的故事,却苦于不知该如何寻找读者、寻觅知音……即日起至2024年4月30日,FLIS“YES! I'm the Author”原创作者征集活动正式开展,请仔细阅读征集令中的稿件要求,欢迎大家积极投稿!校图书馆将于征集结束后挑选其中的优秀作品印刷成册,展示在图书馆中供大家借阅分享。

If only we could all enjoy this cute little picture book outside of the exhibition… Why can't we see more student work in the school library? So this year, on top of the March Madness Readathon, the school library has prepared a surprise event! Not only are we encouraging our students to read their ways, but we also welcome students to write about their own stories. Perhaps you are an author who has been quietly working hard, weaving countless wonderful stories in the fantasy world, but struggling to know how to find readers… From now until April 30, 2024, the FLIS "YES! I'm the Author" activity is officially launched, please carefully read the requirements of the activity in the call for submissions, welcome to actively contribute! The school library will select the best works to be printed and displayed in the library for borrowing and sharing after the call is closed.

原创作者征集令中文海报 尺寸A2 数量2.jpg


As an original creator, the feeling of seeing one's work go from digital to physical and holding it in one's hands must be unparalleled, and we hope to see more students joining Kathryn's ranks and look forward to everyone’s work!
