Model United Nations
模拟联合国(Model United Nations),简称“模联MUN”,是由学生们模仿联合国的运作方式及议事规则,围绕国际上的热点问题进行讨论,阐述观点,写作文件,投票表决并最终作出决定的活动。2023年12月1日到4日,FLIS 18名MYP学子参加厦门模拟联合国大会,以所代表的国家发言人的身份参与世界性话题和问题的讨论。
Model United Nations is an activity in which students mimic the way the United Nations operates and its rules of procedure by discussing, presenting their views, writing documents, voting, and ultimately making decisions on topical issues in the international arena. From December 1 to 4, 2023, 18 MYP students from FLIS participated in the Xiamen Model United Nations to discuss world topics and issues as spokespersons for the countries they represent.
本次大会共设置联合国安全理事会(UNSC)、联合国经社理事会(ECOSOC)、国际原子能机构(IAEA)、特殊政治与非殖民化委员会(SPECPOL)、联合国难民署(UNHCR), 世界卫生组织(WHO)、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)、联合国环境规划署(UNEP)和联合国大会(UNGA)八个委员会,吸引全国多所高校学生模拟国家代表,参与国际热点问题讨论,旨在向高校青年学生宣传联合国理念,普及联合国知识,培养具有国际视野和参与全球治理能力的高素质青年人才。在为期四天的会议中,FLIS MYP学子在各自委员会踊跃发言、积极参与,在一次次英文演讲辩论以及文件写作中脱颖而出,获得了大使评委团的一致认可,特别是Katheryn Chen同学再一次斩获大会的最高奖项——最佳代表团奖(Best Delegation)。
The conference has set up eight committees, namely the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Eight committees attracted students from many schools to simulate national representatives and participate in the discussion of international hot issues, aiming at publicizing the concept of the United Nations, popularizing the knowledge of the United Nations, and cultivating high-quality young talents with an international outlook and the ability to participate in the global governance to them. During the four-day conference, FLIS MYP students spoke enthusiastically and actively participated in their respective committees, and stood out from the crowd in their English speeches and debates as well as document writing, which was unanimously recognized by judges. In particular, Katheryn Chen once again won the highest award of the conference - Best Delegation.
ASDAN Business Simulation
2023年12月16-17日,MYP共27名学子前往厦门参加由ASDAN举办的模拟商业挑战赛。本次挑战赛包含三个环节:在线模拟公司运营(Business operation), 融资路演挑战(Business Battle),以及极限拍卖交易(Trading Challenge)。
On December 16-17, 2023, a total of 27 MYP students went to Xiamen to participate in the ASDAN Business Simulation. The Challenge consisted of three sessions: Business operation, Business Battle, and Trading Challenge.
FLIS formed four teams, each team (ranging from 4-8 people) formed a company and launched a drip irrigation product, emphasizing the concept of sustainable development to promote business ideas. MYP students took on the role of product development, marketing, strategic decision-making and other levels of work in the enterprise and in the simulation of the set market environment for the operation and development of the company. During this period, students not only integrate the business theories they have learned with practice, but also practice communication and leadership skills in teamwork, which significantly enhances their business qualities.
最终,FLIS学子收获颇丰,4支队伍都通过自己的努力建立工厂、得到了房产证。其中两支队伍Gold Chain和EcoDrip进入了将于2月份举行的全国赛,会与更多有着商业梦想和挑战精神的强队进行对决,冲刺将于哈佛大学举行的全球赛。
In the end, FLIS students were rewarded with a lot of success, as all four teams were able to build factories and obtain real estate licenses through their own efforts. Two of the teams, Gold Chain and EcoDrip, advanced to this year's national round in February, where they will face off against more strong teams with business dreams and challenging spirits to compete in the global round to be held at Harvard University.
World Scholar's Cup
In the World Scholar's Cup competition held in Changle on January 6th and 7th, 2024, our MYP Department sent four teams consisting of a total of 11 MYP students. The competition encompassed various activities, including team challenges, debates, and collaborative writing. The students showcased remarkable patience and tenacity throughout the competition, demonstrating their resilience in facing challenges.
Their teamwork was exceptional during the team challenges, where they navigated through complex tasks with precision and cooperation. In the team debates, students eloquently presented their arguments, showcasing not only their knowledge but also their ability to articulate ideas effectively. The team writing segment highlighted their collaborative skills and creativity as they crafted insightful compositions.
The commendable efforts of our students resulted in remarkable achievements for our school. We proudly secured two trophies, 32 gold medals, and 38 silver medals. Notably, all four teams successfully advanced to the semi-global round, reflecting the outstanding dedication and academic prowess of our students.
Congratulations to all of the above participating students, FLIS is proud of your exceptional performances!