School Events | 用「算24点」一决胜负吧!
Math 24
It’s time to get your game on! Your Math 24 Game, that is. Friday, May 24th, Fuzhou Lakeside International School hosted its annual Math 24 Game Competition. Math 24 is a game in which students, in groups of 3 or 4, are presented with 4 numbers. Students must attempt to use those 4 numbers in an equation that will equal 24. The first student to find the solution slaps the card and provides the solution and then receives the number of points represented on the card. Individual classes should host their own class competitions in order to select two or three winners to represent their grade.
比赛竞争激烈,最后几轮尤其白热化,但我们决出了胜者!小学部的第一名为Bob Lin同学,Betty Zheng同学紧随其后夺得第二名,第三名获得者为Jack Lin同学。中学部拔得头筹的是Ling Lin同学,Eason Yao与Steve Li同学分获二、三名。学生们不仅通过游戏切磋,也锻炼了思维、计算能力。恭喜所有获奖者!
The competition was fierce but we battled it out and there were a few students who managed to come out ahead. In the Primary Division, the first place winner was Bob Lin, followed closely by Betty Zheng, and finally Jack Lin. In the Secondary Division, the first place winner was Ling Lin, followed by Eason Yao, and finally Steve Li. Congratulations to all the winners!