School Events | 最强「英语拼词选手」是谁?
Spelling Bees
上周三,5月15日,福州西湖国际学校举行了第五届英语拼词大赛(Spelling bees)。恭喜Matthew Fernandez, Eason Yao与Angelina Chen获得前三名!比赛经过十五轮激烈角逐才分出胜负,单词难度也随之骤增,甚至出现了一个评委读来也稍显犹豫的单词——而选手依然拼对了!学生们为此勤勉学习,他们绝对配得上这份荣誉!
Last week on Wednesday, May 15th, Fuzhou Lakeside International School held its 5th Annual Spelling Bee. The winners were Matthew Fernandez, Eason Yao, and Angelina Chen. The contest lasted well over 15 rounds, and the words were pretty difficult at the end. Even the pronouncer made a mistake with one word, and the student still spelled it right! The kids studied hard and definitely deserved their awards.
这项可以令他们在特定日期肆意发挥聪明才智的比赛,如今已有百年历史。英语拼词大赛(Spelling bees)可以提高学生的拼写能力,提高竞争时的抗压力,同时,也增进孩子们对非运动类竞赛的了解。
Spelling bees are about improving students’ spelling habits, competing under pressure, and understanding more about non-sports-based competition. It provides students an opportunity to show off their intelligence in a tradition that dates back well over one hundred years.
All the grades held their own, class competitions to determine who would go to the finals. There were many winners. Students who did not get into the competition this year can try again next year! This year’s Spelling Bee was the best one yet, and we hope to grow larger next year, including inviting other schools. We hope FLIS can be responsible for finding the best speller in Fuzhou. Thank you to all who participated this year, and we’re looking forward to next year!