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the Swiss Education group visits
3月春意浓浓,杨柳青青,福州西湖国际学校迎来了瑞士教育参访团一行的进校园友好访问。参访团成员包括中瑞友好协会执行会长朱文彬先生、瑞士福州签证中心张孜林先生、PERCY JIAN 女士、瑞士莱辛美国国际学校全球招生总监MILES先生和LIANG YUE 女士。
In March, the Spring comes and leaves turn to green. To usher in the Spring, Fuzhou Lakeside International School welcomed the Swiss Education group to our campus. Members of the delegation included Mr. Zhu Wenbin, executive president of the China-Switzerland Friendship Association, Ms. Zhang Zilin from Fuzhou-Switzerland Visa Application Centre, Ms. Percy Jian, Mr. Miles, and Ms. Liang Yue, global admission directors of the Leysin American School in Switzerland.
Vice Principal, Ms. Ashim Pherim, and some teachers led the delegation to visit the Fuzhou Lakeside International School campus, cafeteria, library, Primary and Secondary school classrooms, sports venues, and auditorium, etc. The delegates were impressed by our courteous and knowledgeable students. The Swiss delegation also discussed and shared the educational philosophy, international vision, and international educational resources with the FLIS principal and teachers, laying a foundation for more exchanges and interactions in the future.