Fuzhou Lakeside International School held a Mandarin speech contest in mid-March. Students from different classes presented wonderful speeches around two themes: Respect and Invention.
We invited Mr. Devon, the broadcasting-majors teacher, Ms. Lin Jiayin from Xiamen University, and Ms. Mercury and Ms. Sandy from FLIS, to be our judges. All of them praised the students for their witty remarks and vivid speeches. The storytelling performance from G1-3 students and the speech contest of G4-G12 students were both so brilliant! Their natural speech-style also helped a lot.
关于“尊重”About Respect
G1B的Jason用富翁和乞丐的故事告诉我们“尊重”是金钱买不到的; G3M的Mike通过杨时程门立雪的故事,告诉我们要尊重老师、尊重知识;G4的Diego Tang、Jack Lin和David Chen,通过层次清晰的演讲告诉我们他所理解的尊重是什么,以及生活中要如何尊重他人。Tara的演讲特别感人,引导我们从多层次、多角度思考“尊重”的含义。Angel和Bob都选取了相应的背景音乐,为自己的演讲添色不少。
Jason from G1B told us that respect can't be bought with money. Through an ancient Chinese story, Mike from G3M emphasized that we need to respect teachers and knowledge. G4's Diego Tang, Jack Lin, and David Chen declared what they understood about respect, and how to respect others in daily life through clear presentations. G5 Tara's speech was particularly touching. She helped us to think about respect on multiple levels and perspectives. Angel and Bob both chose the corresponding background music to build a sense of immersion, which also made their speeches more attractive.
G1G的Enki绘声绘色地讲述了一只待人不礼貌的老鼠的经历,启发我们“只有尊重别人,才能获得别人的尊重”;而作为孩子,G3D的Janet、Jeyden和Tony Dong,希望爸爸妈妈“尊重孩子,请蹲下来走过去,平等对待”;获得一等奖的Dolfin同学来自五年级,台风稳健,声情并茂,他的表现得到了评委的一致好评。G2的Emily和Terry和我们的Uka老师一起精心制作了全套的道具,生动演绎出了张良拾履的故事,赢得了全场的热烈掌声。
G1G's Enki vividly told the experience of an impolite mouse, inspiring us that "only when we respect others can we gain others' respect.” Janet, Jeyden and Tony D of G3D hoped parents can “respect children and treat them equally.” G5 Dolfin won the first prize for his confident and passionate speech style. His performance was praised by all the judges. Emily and Terry from G2, and their teacher Uka, made a full set of props together. The three gave us a lively performance of a famous Chinese story and won a warm applause from the audience.
G4的David和G5的Kai,反思自己对他人不礼貌的故事,体会尊重的重要性。G8的Ashley Wu,通过演讲表达了“宅”的快乐,并希望大家能尊重他人的生活方式,和场下同学们的良好互动,引发了阵阵笑声和掌声。
G4 David and G5 Kai reflected on their own story of being rude to others and learned the importance of showing respect to other people. Ashley Wu of G8 expressed the happiness of "staying at home" in her speech, and hoped that everyone could respect others' lifestyle. Her good interaction with the audience triggered bursts of laughter and applause.
关于“发明”About Invention
Demand is the mother of innovation. Where there is demand, there is creation. In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, new inventions and creations can be seen everywhere in our daily life. Speech participants selected topics mostly from their own experience. For example, Eason chose the Internet as his topic, Peter- cars, Steve-Alipay, Vivi-Bicycle Sharing, and so on. The students illustrated these inventions and explained how these things bring convenience and changes to our life.
Secondary students did not only express appreciation for these new inventions and admiration for the inventors, but they also reflected on both the advantages and disadvantages of these inventions. Who would think that these inventions would bring us benefits and cause new problems at the same time? Their speeches also prompted us to think, “What should we do when faced with these disadvantages?”
Through this Mandarin speech contest, FLIS students developed their own understanding of "Respect,” and some new understanding about the advantages and disadvantages of an "invention.” In addition, the students have also realized how to express their ideas in Chinese on the stage with a natural, confident, smooth, and logical style. This is also one of the goals of the FLIS Mandarin courses in the future.
小学部 Primary
1st - Dolfin Wu
2nd - Angel Huang & Tara Li
3rd - Bob Lin, David Chen, & Diego Tang
最佳表演奖 Best Performance
Kai Wang (G5), Jack Lin (G4), Mike Yu(G3M), Janet Xu (G3D), Tony Dong (G3D), Jeyden Wu (G3D), Emily Wang (G2), Terry Huang (G2), Enki Lin (G1G), Angela Yan (G1R), Jason Li (G1B)
1st - Steve (G7)
2nd - Jessica Chen (G8) & Ashley Wu (G8)
3rd - Joy Yu (G7), Vivi Zhang (G7), Peter Song (G6), Eason Yao(G6)