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School News丨永不言弃!FLIS学子首次参加ASDAN模拟商赛全纪录~

ASDAN Business Simulation

Last weekend, Fuzhou began to really cool down. We experienced a distinct seasonal change from summer to winter. While many people might shiver in their duvet, several secondary students from Fuzhou Lakeside International School took it upon themselves to participate in the prestigious ASDAN Business Simulation for the first time on behalf of FLIS, and gained much valuable experience!

The ASDAN Business Simulation was created in an effort to help the aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow grasp a better logistical and strategic understanding of how to run a business. During the simulation students are actively involved in creating and deciding on every aspect of their business from their company culture to their production needs. The interactive aspect of the simulation is a great way for students to get involved in thinking about the practicalities of running a business.

*ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network)全称英国素质教育发展认证中心,是一个非盈利性教育组织,得到英国教育部课程局(QCA)和英国高等院校招生服务中心(UCAS)授权,为全球学生提供素质教育认证和领导力课程开发已有36年历史。
*ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) is a British education charity and awarding organization, headquartered in Bristol. It provides curriculum programmes and qualifications to help young people develop knowledge and skills for learning, work and life. 

12月8日一大早,七名FLIS学子(Cindy, Smile, Nyree, Jeffrey, Kaiden, Anna, Jessica)前往福州第三中学迎接这一挑战。大赛共计两天,由五轮运营决策、两轮全英文的项目展示、拍卖和海报展示等环节组成。在本次模拟商赛中,他们在拍卖环节买下“机器”盖起了公司大楼,也亲自设计、绘制了相应产品的海报;在项目展示环节,同学们发挥口才与想象力,生动地为评委及观众解说了产品的性能与优势所在,赢得了不少掌声!
Early in the morning of December 8, seven FLIS students (Cindy, Smile, Nyree, Jeffrey, Kaiden, Anna, Jessica) went to Fuzhou no.3 High School to take the challenge. The competition lasted for two days and consisted of five rounds of operations, two rounds of auction and project presentation. In this simulated business competition, students bought the "machine" in the auction link and built their company building. They also designed and drew brand posters of the products on their own. Then students displayed their eloquence and imagination in full play for the project presentation, vividly explaining the function and advantages of the product to the judges and the audience, which won them a lot of applause!

In the simulated market, students realized the rapid changes of business operations, improved their economic analytical skills and logical-deduction ability. They also exercised innovation and understood the importance of never giving up! At the same time, as the event's host put it, "Every one member in this room is a leader, but you need teamwork." Through this competition, they improved their communication and teamwork skills. We hope that students gained valuable experience and that they will one day step onto a bigger stage with more confidence. Congratulations!