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What comes to mind when you think of school culture? School mottos and songs with rich connotation? Decorations that change with festivals and events? Cheerleading performances to boost morale before major sports events? What do you think would be the best way to improve school culture? Several High School students from Fuzhou Lakeside International School gave an answer that no one could have imagine.


Yes! They built a gym for the school!

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It all started with the GAC Social Emotional Learning (SEL). In the words of instructor Mr. Marko, the SEL program teaches students “soft skills” that are essential in the 21st century. These skills include competencies such as making social connections in different environments, understanding the emotions of others, maintaining focus despite distractions around them, the importance of academic honesty, and similar ones.

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The program focuses on team-based project-based learning, where students first explore activities related to the six SEL competencies and understand how they impact their school, work, and personal lives. Next students form teams and work in small groups to put these skills into practice by developing plans and implementing activities and programs that positively impact school culture. Throughout the project-based learning, students continue to learn and apply SEL strategies to form scheduling tasks, improve their communication skills with others, better manage their self-emotions, and be persistent in the face of constant challenges.



Finally, teams will present and share their project results, reflect on the process, and assess self- growth and performance. Through the learning and practice of the SEL project, students will be able to apply social-emotional skills to all areas of their academic and real life.

来自FLIS高中&学院部的Daniel, Kerim, Elsie, Jonas同学均为健身爱好者。接到Marko老师布置的课程项目后,几人逐渐萌生了为学校建个健身房的想法,这既有助于鼓励学子拥有健康的体魄,自然对校园文化建设也就大有裨益。他们分析了这一项目的目标、意义、可行性、所需支持等等因素,又针对每个组员的特长进行了严谨的分工,从平面设计到器械价格调查、从校内沟通到施工协调……终于,在四人的努力及学校的大力支持下,FLIS健身房于今年大功告成!

Daniel, Kerim, Elsie, and Jonas from FLIS High School & Academy are all fitness enthusiasts. After knowing the team’s going to do a project, the idea of building a gym for the school came to them as a way of encouraging students to be fit and healthy, as well as contributing to the culture of the school. They discussed the goals, significance, feasibility, and support needed for this project, and then divided up the work according to each team member's specialties, from graphic design to equipment price survey, from communication within the school to construction coordination. Finally, thanks to the efforts of the four of them and the school's strong support, the FLIS gym was completed this year! 

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Looking back on this experience, all four students said that many of the skills learned in the SEL program were very helpful to the operation of the project, such as time management skills, communication skills, etc. Kerim said, “SEL program is basically about how you can approach your goals, there are many factors in the program where they teach you communication, management, and so on”. Although some problems arose during the construction process, it was due to the unremitting communication between the team members and the school staff that the results were achieved, and in the process, all the knowledge learned earlier was also practiced.


Daniel同学认为完成GAC-SEL项目帮助自己建立了一种“关联感(a sense of network)”,让他看到了事物与事物之间的联系,专注力也得到提升。回顾、反思健身房项目时,Daniel真诚建议大家要积极寻求适配自己的资源,并学会适应和变通。从他的表述中不难看出社会情感技能与关联感及专注力的正相关:完成一个项目需要接触无数人、进行海量沟通,沟通技能的强化意味着建立联系的能力增强;而能够更好管理时间、时时自省的学生往往拥有更强大的专注力。

Daniel believes that completing the program helped him develop a “sense of network” that allowed him to see the connections between things and improve his ability to focus. When reviewing and reflecting on the gym project, Daniel sincerely advises everyone to actively seek out the resources that work for them and to learn to adapt. It is easy to see the positive correlation between socio-emotional skills and the sense of connection/focus from his expression: completing a project requires contact with countless people and a huge amount of communication, and the strengthening of communication skills means the ability to make connections is enhanced, and students who are able to manage their time better and introspect from time to time tend to have stronger focusing skills.


Competencies such as time management, self-emotional management, effective communication, and flexibility are key factors in program success, as well as key goals for competency development in the GAC-SEL program. In addition, ACT's research shows that students who have participated in social-emotional learning have a significant advantage over others in terms of prosocial behaviour, increase in standardized achievement test scores, and improved social-emotional skills.



Lately, we've been seeing faculty, staff, and high school students working out in the FLIS gym! Before concluding the interview, Kerim and Daniel expressed a message to the younger students, “We hope that you will use the gym regularly, come up with your own ideas, and make it better than we have right now.” Kerim also added sincerely, “We are the pioneers, now is the next generation’s turn. We have started a path for you- make it longer, please!”

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What are you waiting for? Let's get fit together. May you all have a healthy body and a strong spirit!