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School News丨秋日阅读盛宴:FLIS师生原创作品先睹为快!


还记得今年前些时候与阅读马拉松同步进行的“YES! I'm the Author”原创作者征集活动吗?经过春日投稿、初夏审稿与排版、夏末付印……今秋,福州西湖国际学校师生们的作品终于以实体书籍的模样与大家见面啦!最终,在本年度原创作者征集活动中脱颖而出的作者有九位,作者及作品如下:

Do you remember the ”YES! I'm the Author” activity that was held in conjunction with the Read-A-Thon earlier this year? After submitting their work in the spring, reviewing and typesetting in the early summer, and printing at the end of the August, the students and teachers of Fuzhou Lakeside International School finally had their work published in the form of a physical book! In the end, there were nine authors who stood out in this year's Authors' Call, and the authors and their works are listed below:

Simone's Spiraled Crown

Tina Marie Myers-Abur

(Pre-K International Teacher)

The Adventure in Zombie Zoo

Jack Huang(G4)

Fish Diaries

Rory Guo(G3)

Wishing Bottle and Fisher Man

Ashley Wang(MYP1)

My Little Robot

Alex Lin(G4)

The Bike Mystery&The Gold Mystery

Tammy Huang(G5)

Dr Mold's Team Series (1-5)

Roy Lian(MYP1)

The Snail Named Bob

Lucas Lin(MYP1)

The Adventure of Wonderland

Tony Wang(MYP1)



Thank you to all the students and faculty who submitted manuscripts, and congratulations to the authors who were finally given the opportunity to be published! Now it's time to enjoy this feast of reading together. Starting last week, FLIS students and faculty will be able to find the first printed works in the library and in the reading corner in the first floor lobby. Come check them out and embark on your reading adventures!


Simone's Spiraled Crown

Introduction 内容梗概


Coming of age story about an 8-year-old little girl named Simone who experiences the struggles of accepting her natural hair. Afterwards, she finally realizes that it's okay to accept who you are.

About the author 作者介绍

Tina Myers-Abur是一位阅历丰富的美国女性,她将自己的多彩人生经历天衣无缝地编织成一幅迷人的织锦。Tina也是一位经验丰富的环球旅行家,曾在四大洲生活过,担任教育工作者近二十年,经历不仅丰富了她的世界观,也激发了她对教育的热情。

Tina Myers-Abur, a native of the USA is a woman of extraordinary depth, seamlessly weaves her diverse life experiences into a captivating tapestry. A seasoned world traveler who has lived on four continents and has been an expat and educator for almost two decades, Tina's globetrotting adventures have not only enriched her worldview but also fueled her passion for education.

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The Adventure in Zombie Zoo

Author’s note 作者说明

创作The Adventure in Zombie Zoo的念头是在妈妈带我去动物园时冒出来的,那是我去过的最酷的动物园。园区里有各种各样我从没见过的昆虫、海洋生物等等,最妙的是,里面还有一个圆顶,你可以触碰到世界上各种各样的鸟儿。从那以后,我就很喜欢表达自己对“酷酷”的怪兽的思考。我最喜欢的是僵尸。有了这样的念头后,我创作了这个作品。

I wrote The Adventure in Zombie Zoo when my mom took me to the coolest zoo I had ever been. There was a museum in the zoo. The museum had all sorts of bugs and sea animals I had never seen before, and the best thing of all, it had a dome that you could touch with all kinds of birds around the world on it. Back then, I liked expressing my thinking of “cool” in monsters. My favorite monsters are zombies. When I got the idea in my mind, I wrote this book.

About the author 作者介绍

Jack Huang在日本出生、度过童年,五岁回国。他喜欢奥特曼,喜欢吃海带——或许因为那是他生来看到的最初几样事物。Jack从二年级开始写作,某天,他写下自己第一本冒险故事书,自此,他笔耕不辍。

Jack Huang was born in Japan where he stayed for most of his childhood until five. He liked Ultraman and liked to eat seaweed for some reason. Probably because they are the first things he ever saw. He started writing in grade 2. One day, he wrote his very own adventure book and his pen has not stopped from that moment.

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Fish Diaries

Introduction 内容梗概


This story is about a fish called Andy. There is a new student, but the new student doesn't like her. Her old friend plays with the new student. Will she have friends?

About the author 作者介绍

Rory Guo是一名三年级学生,她对写作与绘画都充满热情。她的作品Fish Diaries通过生动的插图与颇具想象力的海底故事记录了她对叙事的热爱。Rory的作品体现了她的创造力和学习热情,她很高兴能与大家分享她的故事。

Rory Guo is a G3 student with a passion for both writing and drawing. Her book Fish Diaries captures her love for storytelling through vivid illustrations and imaginative tales about underwater life. Rory’s creativity and enthusiasm for learning are reflected in her work, and she is excited to share her stories with the school community.

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Wishing Bottle and Fisher Man

Introduction 内容梗概


A fisherman made three wishes in a wishing bottle on an island. He ended up back on the island because of greed.

About the author 作者介绍

Ashley Wang今年十一岁。她的爱好包括钢琴、舞蹈、网球等等。

Ashley Wang is 11 years. Her hobbies are playing the piano, dancing, playing tennis and so on.


My Little Robot

Introduction 内容梗概

My Little Robot讲述的是男孩Bob的故事,他有一个叫Rob的机器人。Bob和机器人玩各种各样的游戏。有一天,Bob与Rob一起玩捉迷藏,但是,Bob倒数完就找不到Rob了。Bob四处搜寻,就是不见Rob踪影。Bob还能找到他的机器人吗?

My Little Robot is a book about a boy named Bob who has a robot named Rob. Bob played lots of games with his robot. But one day, Bob played hide and seek with Rob. When Bob finished counting, he could not find Rob. Bob checked everywhere and just could not find Rob. Will Bob find his robot?


Open the book to find out about their little adventure.

About the author 作者介绍

Alex Lin喜欢玩电子游戏,也喜欢看电视。

Alex Lin likes to play video games and watch TV.


The Bike Mystery&The Gold Mystery

Introduction 内容梗概

The Bike Mystery讲述了Kassie, Don与Jake三个孩子的故事,他们帮助Don的邻居找到了他丢失的自行车,但小偷的身份可不一般。The Gold Mystery同样以这三个孩子为主角,他们联手解决了欧洲黄金失窃案,然而,窃贼绑架了三人。侦探们能逃出生天吗?

The Bike Mystery is about three kids named Kassie, Don and Jake searching Don’s neighbourhood to find his bike but the thief’s identity is not easy to figure out. The Gold Mystery is about the same three kids solving the mystery of three boxes of gold from Europe that is stolen but the thief kidnaps the three kids! Can the detectives find the way out?

About the author 作者介绍

Tammy Huang八岁开始写作。她喜欢悬疑故事,所以九岁时创作了这个系列。创作之外,她不是在做艺术和手工,就是在读悬疑故事。

Tammy Huang has started writing stories since she was 8 years old. She loves mystery stories so she wrote this series when she was 9. During the time when she is not writing on her stories she is doing arts and crafts, or reading mystery books.

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Dr Mold's Team Series (1-5)

Introduction 内容梗概

这是Dr. Mold团队的故事。大家都觉得他们是坏人,因为一个骗子假扮Dr. Mold抢劫了银行。Dr. Mold想要做好事,证明自己是无辜的。

It is about Dr. Mold’s team. Everybody thinks they are bad because an imposter of Dr. Mold robbed the bank. Dr. Mold wants to prove he is innocent by doing good stuff.

About the author 作者介绍

Roy Lian喜欢吃冰淇淋、玩《我的世界》、写作并阅读自己的作品。最近,他想创作另一个系列的图书(他还没想好自己是要创作一部漫画,还是写一本有好多世界的书)。

Roy Lian likes to eat ice cream, playing Minecraft, writing and reading his books. These days, he wanted to write another series of books(he has not decide whether he should write a comic book, or if should he write a book full of worlds).

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The Snail Named Bob

Introduction 内容梗概


Their had once been a lonely snail named Bob. He was always alone and wanted to find a friend. One day he found a snail just like him and then becomes his very first friend. Then a few days later, his friend was missing! Find out how Bob would look for his friend. This book shows the importance of friendship and the true meaning of having a great friend.

About the author 作者介绍

Lucas Lin今年十一岁。他一直喜欢读关于冒险的奇幻作品。他生于美国,有一个叫Alex的弟弟。他的弟弟也创作了一本书。

Lucas Lin is 11 years old. He has always liked reading fantasy books about adventures. He was born in America. He has a brother, his name is Alex. His brother had also made a book. 

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The Adventure of Wonderland

Introduction 内容梗概


The summer holiday almost passed and it will become the boring school days again, so why don’t we have a party on the last day of summer holiday? However, something mysterious happens. We traveled to the world of wonderland and began an exploration in the wonderland, but something bad happened…

About the author 作者介绍

Tony Wang是一名MYP1学生,今年12岁。他有许多爱好,包括滑板、吉他和数学。

Tony Wang is a MYP1 student who is 12 years old. He has a variety of hobbies including skateboarding, playing guitar, and math.


It's not easy to create, so don't forget to put a star sticker on your favorite work to show your encouragement to the author! In the future, we'll be releasing more multimedia content to introduce you to the authors and works of FLIS. Stay tuned!