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School Events丨宣示集体、张扬个性:打破校园刻板印象的Spirit Week!

Spirit Week

1952年,加州旧金山湾区一所中学为欢迎学子返校特别设立了“Friendship Week”,此后七十余年间这种庆祝活动形式不断演变,并在其后更名为如今大众所熟知的“Spirit Week(校园精神周/奇装异服周)”,成为美式校园文化中极为重要的一部分。

In 1952, a high school in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, established “Friendship Week” to welcome students back to school. Over the past seventy years, this celebration has evolved and has been renamed “Spirit Week”, which has become an important part of American campus culture.


Spirit Week往往在返校周或大型运动赛事前举办,以此增强群体凝聚力、展现校园文化、师生精神风貌。通常,Spirit Week会设定多个每日着装主题,如“睡衣日”,“双胞胎日”等等,这一周学子不必穿着往日的校服,可以发挥天马行空的想象力,按照主题装扮自己并参与相应的活动。每一天,大家都怀着对造型的期待步入校园:逗趣的、搞怪的、可爱的、异想天开的……打破校园枯燥学习的刻板印象,就从Spirit Week开始!

Spirit Week is often held during homecoming week or before a major sporting event to build morale, spirit, and support across the entire school. Usually, Spirit Week has several daily dress code themes, such as “Pajama Day”, “Twins Day”, etc. During this week, students don't have to wear their school uniforms, but can use their imagination to dress up according to the theme and participate in the corresponding activities. Each day, everyone enters the campus with an expectation of what everyone will look like: funny, quirky, cute, whimsical-break the stereotype of a boring campus and engage with Spirit Week!


今年福州西湖国际学校的Spirit Week都设定了哪些主题,又诞生了多少个性造型?

What themes were set for this year's Spirit Week at Fuzhou Lakeside International School, and how many brilliant looks were born?

DAY 1 Pajama Day 睡衣日

Wear your comfortable pajamas!



DAY 2 Crazy Hair Day 搞怪发型日

Achieve the strangest hairstyle!



DAY 3 Sporting Outfit Day 运动装日

Dress up to celebrate your favorite sports teams or heroes!




DAY 4 Black/Pink/White Day 黑/粉/白色日

Wear your favorite clothes with these colors!



DAY 5 Diversity Day 多元日

Wear your favorite traditional clothes!



FLIS鼓励师生参与到Spirit Week的活动中来:同一主题造型宣示了我们属于同一集体、一个温暖的大家庭,而别具特色的装扮又凸显了每位学子的个性与才华,因此,这是既庆祝集体、也宣扬个性的一周!开学快乐,希望这个活动给大家带来了一些乐趣、一些归属感、也为校园生活注入了一些活力!

FLIS encourages students and faculty to participate in Spirit Week: a week of celebrating both community and individuality, where wearing themed outfits signifies that we are all part of one big, warm family, and where the unique costumes highlight each student's individuality and talent! Have a happy start to the school year, and we hope that this event has brought you some fun, a sense of belonging, and injected some vitality into campus life!