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School News丨全国前列!恭喜MYP学子于全球青年经济论坛再创佳绩

the World Youth Economic Forum


Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS) recently made a remarkable impression at the World Youth Economic Forum, which is an esteemed business simulation event organized by ASDAN. This year's forum, which took place from July 25 to July 30, attracted top talent from across the nation, with 50 teams from various schools competing.


全球青年经济论坛(World Youth Economic Forum,简称WYEF)被誉为“中学生的达沃斯世界经济论坛”。该活动每年围绕一个世界前沿经济议题,邀请全球优秀中学生及国际学术机构、世界各校代表和商界精英展开研讨辩论。正如我们今年所看到的,虽然富裕的国家大多从COVID-19大流行中恢复了过来,但许多发展中国家仍然面临严重债务问题。要想复苏全球经济,就需要一起建立信任并持续合作。因此,第十三届阿思丹全球青年经济论坛的主题被定为“跨越裂痕、重启信任:推动经济相互依存时代的全球协作”。

The WYEF Forum, also known as the "Davos World Economic Forum for Middle School Students", invites outstanding middle school students, international academic institutions, school representatives, and business elites from around the world to discuss and debate on cutting-edge economic issues. As we can see for this year, even though the economies of developed countries have recovered from the pandemic of COVID-19, some developing countries are still facing serious debt issues. Although the supply chain issue has been almost fixed, the global economy is still unstable. Credit construction and continuous cooperation are needed to build up the global economy. In this hyperconnected century, trust needs to be restored via frank communication and policy making. Hence the theme of the 13th ASDAN Global Youth Economic Forum is "Global Cooperation: Restoring Trust in a Hyperconnected Economy".


FLIS 派出高年级组(MYP3)及低年级组(MYP1)两支队伍参赛,选手们都经过了刻苦的备赛训练。他们的努力和付出得到了回报,高年级组取得了第24名的骄人成绩,低年级组则获得了第33名的好成绩,鉴于参加WYEF全国赛的队伍均为区域挑战赛金银铜奖队伍(FLIS参赛队伍为区域赛金奖队伍),已位列全国前60%水平,高年级组在全国赛所取得的成绩足以使他们挤身全国top20%。

FLIS was represented by two teams, both of whom underwent rigorous training in preparation for the competition. Their hard work and dedication paid off, with the senior team(MYP3) achieving an impressive 24th place ranking and the younger team(MYP1) securing the 33rd spot, which means the senior team has been recognized with a competency of 20% percentile nationwide.


学生们需要在公司运营、路演和拍卖等各种具有挑战性的活动中进行角逐,展示他们全面的商业头脑。比赛异常激烈,来自全国各地的参赛队伍都秀出了他们在经济、金融和战略规划方面的才能。FLIS 高年级于其中脱颖而出,展现了创新能力和领导力。他们获得了三个奖项,其中最引人注目的是“新星”奖,该奖项不仅彰显了团队的潜力,还为每位学生提供 4600 元人民币的奖学金。

The students had to compete in a variety of challenging events, including company operations, roadshows, and auctions, showcasing their comprehensive business acumen. The competition was fierce, with teams from around the country showcasing their skills in economics, finance, and strategic planning. However,  FLIS’s senior team managed to rise above the rest, securing three prestigious awards, demonstrating both innovation and leadership. The most notable of these is the "Rising Star" award, a distinguished recognition that not only highlights the team's potential but also comes with a scholarship of 4600 RMB for each student.



FLIS students’ participation and success in the World Youth Economic Forum underscore the school's dedication to excellence in education and its role in nurturing the next generation of business leaders. The achievements of the FLIS teams have not only brought pride to their school but also set a high standard for future competitions. Their journey from intense training to rousing victory is a shining example of how perseverance and hard work can lead to great rewards. Congratulations again to all the participants!