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Summer Camp | FLIS夏令营:从历史中来 到自然里去


In the summer of 2024, the students of Fuzhou Lakeside International School Summer Camp split into two groups, one going northwest to Xi'an, the ancient capital of many dynasties, which is rich in history and humanities, and the other coming to Jiangle, a small city with the best ecological environment in Fujian and even in the whole country. From history to nature, what memories did they accumulate along the way?



Xi'an campers visited the Daming Palace, the Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, and the Great Tang All Day Mall, learned the basics of woodworking to build mortise-and-tenon construction, made vessel flutes, tasted Shaanxi specialties and enjoyed Shaanxi intangible cultural heritages such as Qinqiang (Qin opera), Chinese shadow puppets, and other folk arts and cultures. In the interaction with ancient buildings, museums, non-heritage folklore and light and shadow performances, the campers also measured the 5,000 years of splendid Chinese civilization with their own eyes.

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Jiangle campers, on the other hand, plunged into the mountains and drew the simple beauty from nature's gifts: the texture of tree bark, the colors of fallen flowers and fruits, and the miraculous effect of sunlight combined with iron salts. They went deep into the Longqi Mountain, observing living fossils among the plant world and learning about the diversity of species in the forest. They explored Yuhua Cave, experiencing the magnificence of the karst landscape. Back in the camp, the children captured the shape of the wind, designed feeders for the birds, and also fished, picked crops, and made noodles, then they enjoyed the fruits of their labor in a flowing noodles feast.



What is the meaning of traveling? Why not stay in an air-conditioned room and enjoy the coolness brought by modern technology during the summer vacation, what is the point of traveling to unfamiliar villages and cities? When you see campers actively searching the long history and being shocked by the splendid human civilization, and when you see children thinking differently when making bird feeders, even wanting to become birds themselves, perhaps you will also come to this sudden realization - it is through experience that our identities are formed, and experiencing changes in our environment stimulates our curiosity and desire to explore, making us unconsciously make comparisons. Comparisons are the way human beings perceive the world, and for international school students, this is even more of a daily routine - bilingual and even multilingual speakers are surrounded by multiculturalism, and comparison is also a way of expanding our horizons.

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Recalling the summer camp experience, Ms. Grace, one of the Xi'an camp leaders, said she thinks students can participate in more of these historical and cultural exploration camps: “Knowing about history will lead to a better understanding of where we are, a sense of national identity, and a better understanding of different cultures and embracing the world.”



Another great reason to go to summer camp is, of course, to have fun! When children who live in the city come to the mountains, they can get great satisfaction from the different kinds of wildlife. One day, on their way down the mountain, one Jiangle camper spotted a dandelion on the side of the road and immediately called out to her friends, “Wow, there's a dandelion here! Who wants to blow a dandelion?” Just like that, ignoring the hot sun, the three little girls sowed the dandelion seeds far and wide in one breath. It turns out that a tiny plant can bring so much joy.

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作为IB MYP世界学校,我们在此次参与FLIS夏令营的营员身上看到了不少IB学习者特质。西安营的营员们展现了积极探究的一面:有知识储备的学子慷慨与同伴分享自己所了解到的历史,面对自己并不了解的部分,营员们也频频同老师、导游交流,热烈讨论。将乐营的Tracy老师特地提及营员之间所展现的友善与关爱:有位年纪较小的营员起初并不适应夏令营生活,老师们希望他可以坚持到最后,和小伙伴们度过快乐时光,在想办法安抚他的同时,也请他的两位好朋友多多陪伴他、同他聊天、一起参加活动。这位小朋友最终同大家一起完成了夏令营的所有活动,还在结营派对上以欢乐的独舞惊艳众人,令所有老师深感欣慰……

As an IB MYP World School, we saw a lot of IB learner traits in the campers of the FLIS Summer Camp. The Xi'an campers are great Inquirers and also expressed their Knowledgeable side by sharing what they had learned about history with their peers, and those who didn't know much about the subject frequently talked with their teachers and guides inquiring in lively discussions. Ms. Tracy from Jiangle Camp made special mention of the friendliness and caring among the campers: one of the younger campers was not used to the camp life at first, and the teachers hoped that he could have a happy and fulfilling time with his friends. They tried to reassure him and asked his two best friends to keep him company, chat with him, and participate in the activities with him. The child eventually completed all the activities of the summer camp with everyone, and even surprised everyone with a joyful solo dance at the end-of-camp party.

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Now, it has been a while since summer camp ended. Looking back on this summer trip, what is one scene that immediately comes to your mind? While school is still a ways off, FLIS encourages students to continue exploring in the coming days, to discover beauty, to feel joy and novelty, and to create your own way of experiencing. We will see you again at the beginning of the new school year!

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