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It has been two weeks since summer vacation started, some students have returned from summer camps in other provinces, some students are just about to start their magnificent trip, and some students are enjoying their rare leisure time at home. For those who love to spend time alone, perhaps you guys do not mind the company of a few more good books.


还记得寒假来临前,FLIS征集了学部老师、主管建议,为大家准备了一份超有诚意的假日书单,广受好评。你知道吗?在欧美,暑期对于阅读而言也是个十分特别的时段,各大报刊杂志会推出自己的「夏日阅读(Summer Reading)书单」,比如卫报、泰晤士报文学增刊等等;不仅如此,从19世纪末起,美国不少公共图书馆也会推出专为孩童设计的「夏日阅读」活动,与学校、商家合作书单、阅读挑战活动等等并给予奖励——但请注意,这绝不是枯燥的劝学活动,一切都建立在孩子对书籍感兴趣、自发参与的基础之上!

Remember before winter break, FLIS collected Reading Recommendations from faculty to publish a holiday book list that was well received. Did you know that summer is also a special time for reading in Europe and the United States? Major newspapers and magazines will launch their "Summer Reading List", such as the Guardian, Times Literary Supplement, and many others. Not only that, since the late 19th century, many public libraries in the U.S. have launched "Summer Reading" activities designed for children, collaborating with schools and businesses on book lists, reading challenges, and more, and offering prizes - but please note that this is not a boring reading program, for those activities are based purely on children's interest in books and eager participation!


「阅读挑战(Reading Challenge)」是近年在国外大受欢迎的活动,若你常关注欧美阅读油管频道或播客节目,就会发现一年之初/夏季伊始之际,博主们常常开出一张阅读清单,并不写具体书目,但会列出一些有趣的小目标、与时下自己想要探索的领域息息相关,比如:

Activities like Reading Challenges also have a long history. If you follow some reader YouTube channel or podcasts in Europe and the US, you'll notice that at the beginning of the year/summer, YouTubers/bloggers/podcasters often make a reading list, not of specific books, but of interesting goals that are relevant to what they're trying to explore, for example:


read a book about animals


read a book with more than 300 pages


read a book set in a foreign country


read the first book of a new series


read a book that makes you laugh


read a book by an author you've never read before


read a book you've wanted to read for a long time but haven't opened yet





This time, we're leaving the choice up to the students. Why not start with a list and create your own Summer Reading Challenge? Don't forget to set yourself some small rewards and maybe you'll be more motivated to embark on this reading journey!



In addition, the FLIS school library brings reading APP recommendations for game-loving students!


Scholastic Corporation, founded in 1920 in New York City, USA, is the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books and print and digital educational materials for pre-K to grade 12. In addition to Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, Scholastic is known for its school book clubs and book fairs, classroom magazines such as Scholastic News and Science World, and popular book series: Clifford the Big Red Dog, Goosebumps, Horrible Histories, Captain Underpants, Animorphs, Dog Man, The Baby-Sitters Club, and I Spy.


由Scholastic学乐开发的Home Base APP(免费)是一款集角色扮演、故事阅读、地图游戏等功能于一体的儿童数字社区。喜爱学乐旗下作品的学子可以通过APP访问喜爱的系列作品岛屿、与故事中的角色交谈,并与爱好者交流,实现边玩边读,于无形中提升英文阅读能力!

Home Base is a fun and safe digital community for kids where they can explore Scholastic stories by visiting zones and islands dedicated to their favorite series and talking with their favorite characters, play map games together with other players, connect with other readers via moderated chat, so that they can read while playing and improve their English reading skills in an engaged way!



Summer is still a long way off. We wish every reader a happy vacation of beloved books.


Then, when school starts, perhaps, we will all have good stories to tell.
