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Focusing|毕业生故事:从西班牙到FLIS 恭喜马修收获ASU录取通知书!


Seventeen-year-old Matthew is a familiar face at Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS). He studied at FLIS for many years, and has been active on the soccer team, also at various events both inside and outside of school, and once as the host of the Christmas party, where he impressed the audience with his fluency in Chinese. As this year's graduate, Matthew received a letter of acceptance from Arizona State University (ASU) and is now enrolled in the ASU Universal Learner Courses Program at FLIS.





Matthew came to China with his parents at the age of six. By that time, he was bilingual in Spanish and English, and his parents felt it was time for their son to learn a third language. They thought that another Chinese language would help Matthew's future, so the family moved to China to study, work and live. Back then, Matthew was a little bit skeptical at first about coming to China and learning Chinese: "It was such a huge change at that time, especially at such a young age," he says, "and I wasn't 100% ready to come here."



After the family settled in China, Matthew enrolled at the school where his parents worked, Fuzhou Lakeside International School. For a newly arrived foreign child, the English environment at FLIS helped him gradually transition and adapt to life in a foreign country. After all, it's a completely different cultural environment, and as one can imagine, Matthew has encountered a number of cultural differences, such as eating habits and a different mindset. When asked about his adjustment, surprisingly, both Matthew and his parents said it didn't affect him too much. “I always had friends around me which made me feel at home, and this helped me adapt to living and studying in China." Matthew's parents say that FLIS has become Matthew's second home, providing a nurturing and caring environment for him to grow up in, and that his multicultural upbringing has made him a more accepting and respectful person: "He understands that there is not always ‘one right way’ to do things and is open to learning about others’ thoughts, ideas, customs, and traditions."



In the FLIS Mandarin class, Matthew began to learn speaking, listening, reading, and writing- even including calligraphy. What does he think is the biggest difficulty in learning Chinese? The characters, of course! Matthew admits that it's because Chinese characters are so different from all of the worldwide alphabets! But the benefits of learning Chinese are obvious. One small detail that both Matthew and his parents have mentioned relates to everyday life: when the family goes out to eat, Matthew is always the one who takes the order because he's the one with the best Chinese in the family. "My parents might look at the picture of the menu and say, wo yao zhe ge(I want this), zhe ge(this)." He smiles. The language helped him integrate better into the local life. Even when he leaves China and travels in Europe, North America, and Asia, he meets many Chinese because of the large population base, so the language further facilitates Matthew's communication with others.


Languages and exchanges, different cultures and encounters, while pushing Matthew inward to deepen his roots in the community he lives in, also pushed him outward to explore a wider world.






Matthew consulted with friends and family, FLIS guidance counselors, and classmates, and received advice and help from many people. All of this helped him make up his mind about choosing Arizona State University and his reasons for making such a choice. Matthew especially remembers one piece of advice that many people gave him: it's important to choose a reputable school, but you can't choose a school just because it's prestigious - it has to be somewhere you want to go.



So, Matthew targeted schools that were reputable, that would help him achieve more in the future, and that he wanted to go to. He thinks Arizona State University is a very interesting school and he really likes to learn everything there, not only that, but after learning about the FLIS ASU program, Matthew found out that his family members and friends happened to move to Arizona, which all contributed to his choice. Currently, his plan is to go to university, take general courses and then see from there what he would like to do.



Matthew has his own ideas about majors: he wants to choose those that are more in the form of communication, such as education, journalism and law. He enjoys communicating with people and loves speaking and writing. This answer is not surprising considering Matthew's gift for languages. Matthew's interest in communication does relate to language skills. Being fluent in three languages has allowed him to communicate with more people, and that really led him wanting to communicate more, and it also helps him communicate a lot more.


Looking back at the decision to go to China at the age of six, it seems today that his parents' expectations were fulfilled, and everything that has happened since then, whether it's the language acquisition or the living and learning experiences, has shaped Matthew into the person he is today - a person who has adapted to the changes in his life extremely well and turned them into a boost for the future. "[Now] for 100%, it was a good idea to come to China," Matthew says.






Matthew is now completing his first year in the ASU program. Participants in the program can begin taking university credit courses in high school, which will lead them to the world's most prestigious universities and save them time and money for future undergraduate studies. In Matthew's opinion, the ASU program is great for students to get a feel for what college classes and courses may be like overseas, but at the same time, it's not without challenges: the online global ASU program offers self-paced courses with tests periodically throughout the course instead of a big test at the end of the course, which reduces the pressure on students to a certain degree, but it also challenges them in terms of their time management. As a result, Matthew notes that self-discipline is very important when taking ASU courses.

恰好,在采访马修父母过程中,其父母表示,儿子最让他们骄傲的一点是他的毅力与韧性。”Although he has faced challenges in his academic studies, he did not let setbacks get the best of him. He kept working toward his goals and was determined to raise his GPA. (尽管他在学业上遇到了挑战,他也没有被挫折打倒。他一直朝着自己的目标努力前进,决心提高自己的GPA.)”

During an interview with Matthew's parents, his parents said that one of the things they were most proud of about their son was his perseverance and resilience. “Although he has faced challenges in his academic studies, he did not let setbacks get the best of him. He kept working toward his goals and was determined to raise his GPA.”


未来,马修将前往美国深造。因能说一口流利英文,旁人常常忘记,他其实从未长期在美国本土生活过。或许,去美国上大学,就像六岁搬来中国一样,是马修人生中又一全新契机。聊到对儿子的期许,马修父母说,”In the future, we expect Matthew to continue to pursue his interests in his university studies and hopefully choose a career where he can not only find his own happiness but also help people in the world to understand more about other cultures and ways of looking at life.(未来,我们期待马修在大学学习中继续追求自己的兴趣,并希望他选择的职业不仅能让他找到自己的幸福,还能帮助世上的人们多多了解其他文化和看待生活的方式。)” 我们也如此祝福喜爱与人交流的马修,愿多年来修炼的种种技能可以助他游走于各种文化之中,成为一个全面发展、具备国际视野的人。这也与FLIS的培养目标不谋而合:我们希望培养学生的自我意识与全球思维,让学生知道,他们可以对自己的生活和周围的世界产生积极影响。

In the future, Matthew will be traveling to the United States to further his education. Because of his fluency in English, people often forget that he has not lived in America for a long time. Perhaps going to university in the U.S., like moving to China when he was six years old, is another big opportunity in Matthew's life. Talking about their expectation for their son, Matthew's parents say, " In the future, we expect Matthew to continue to pursue his interests in his university studies and hopefully choose a career where he can not only find his own happiness but also help people in the world to understand more about other cultures and ways of looking at life.” We also wish the same for Matthew, who loves to communicate with people, and we hope that all the skills he has cultivated over the years will help him travel across cultures and become a well-rounded person with an international outlook. This is also in line with FLIS's goals: we want to develop an awareness of self and global-mindedness that allows our students to know that they can positively impact their own lives and the world around them.
