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Focusing|FLIS IB MYP研学:推开世界的门


In the movie The Hobbit, the wizard Gandalf, while persuading Bilbo Baggins to join him on the adventure, impassionedly says, “The world is not in your books and maps. It's out there.” Getting off campus, entering unfamiliar environments, and taking the initiative to interact with local residents is also a way to get a feel for the reality of the world. From March to May this year, MYP students from Fuzhou Lakeside International School came one after another to the Jiao-Hu Skylark Field Studies Center in Jiangle, where they carried out field studies that were closely integrated with the local area.



FLIS combines the rich natural resources of Jiangle with the MYP academic curriculum, hoping to connect students from the city with nature. The perfect environment of the Jiao-Hu Skylark Field Studies Center provides a convenient place for research: rice fields, parks, villages, lakes, and hydroelectric power stations are located around the Center, making it easy for students to explore topics such as water resources, environmental sciences, electricity, and rural energy. So we see MYP students walking around the countryside to study how the interaction between humans and nature affects the quality of water; in the process of communicating with villagers, students also found that the local way of using energy is different from that of the city, for example, one can always see smoke rising from the windows at lunchtime, and many villagers have bundles of firewood piled up in front of their homes… This kind of research requires students to mobilize their skills learned in science, individual, and social classes to advocate for improving the quality of the environment while taking into account local needs, in addition, students' ability to use English to discuss topics is also practiced.



Jiangle is not only blessed with beautiful mountains and water, but also has a deep cultural heritage that is worth exploring. The pottery firing technique in Dannankeng of Jiangle is listed in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Fujian Province, and MYP students had the honor of experiencing the processes of wheel throwing and underglaze coloring; the Lei Tea is a local traditional specialty, which is also the most common and grand hospitality in Jiangle, and the production process is a provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage. The students take chances to make the first Lei Tea in their lives under the guidance of the teacher, what a treat!



We expect that students will take what they learn back to the classroom and apply it to their daily learning in case studies, while teachers can also use the experience of the study in their teaching. More than one teacher mentioned that the lack of devices was a concern among students before the trip. However, they seemed to acclimate to it quite well… It turned out that they could find other ways to entertain themselves, and many of the simple games are a great way to bring people together (teachers and students). Ms. Grace found that learning requires a certain degree of curiosity, which will better motivate a person to learn. Perhaps the unfamiliar environment served as a source of stimulation in this time's field studies, and teachers can consider how to stimulate students' curiosity in their teaching.


MYP外方主管Callum先生表示,国际生有时生活在一个“泡泡”环境中,和当下所在地及自己的文化联系不够紧密;FLIS IB(MYP)致力于培养具有全球意识、关心环境、关心全球社会,与世界各地能够建立联系的全球公民;研学的经历能够让学子真切感受到世界之大,并不局限于自己所生活的那个小“泡泡”。本次研学已圆满落幕,希望大家都能有所思、有所得,我们下次研学再见!

Mr. Callum, the Head of FLIS MYP Department, said that international students can exist in a “bubble” environment and are not closely connected to their host country culture and their own culture; FLIS IB(MYP) is committed to fostering global citizens who are globally minded, care about the environment, care about the global community, and have connections with multiple different places around the world; the field studies experience allows students to truly understand that the world is not limited to the small “bubble” they live in. Since the field studies have come to a successful end, we hope everyone can think and gain something, we will see you next time!
