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School News丨疯狂阅读的结果是……作家的诞生?!

★ 疯狂阅读竞赛


March is the annual Madness Readathon month at Fuzhou Lakeside International School. In addition to recommending books of different English difficulty levels based on the Lexile Index, the school library also selects books according to different themes, such as science fiction, mystery, fairy tale, etc., and places them on display for students to choose from. In this way, students can carefully choose from the genres they are interested in, and some books that were rarely noticed in the past can also get attention.



This year, FLIS students have been participating in the Madness Readathon with great enthusiasm. Every week, primary students entered the library to read under the guidance of their teachers. The school library also received a number of reading sharing cards from secondary students - this allowed us to see the different interpretations of a book by our students, and to discover many great books that have not yet been stocked. Perhaps, in the future, the school library will purchase these books for the benefit of the whole school.


Based on each student's reading achievement, the school library has selected awards from individual, class and house dimensions. Congratulations to all the students who have accomplished their goals, and we hope that they will keep up the good work!

小学 Primary


The goal were met in all classes

G1 23010 pages

G2 30060 pages

G3 18577 pages

G4 14090 pages

G5 13530 pages  


First place in each class

G1 Emma 

G2 Arthur 

G3 Joan 

G4 Tammy 

G5 Lucas


中学 MYP

First Place - Sally Wu

Second Place - Aggie Eichhorn

Third Place - Garry Chen

高中&学院 High School & Academy

First Place - John Chen

Second Place - Kevin Gao

Third Place - Doreen Lu

★ FLIS图书馆官网开通


Since March this year, the official website of FLIS School Library has been open! Through this website, students can not only know the latest news of the school library, but also check the library collection and learning resources, renew/reserve books online, rate the books after reading, and leave comments, which can be a reference for other readers! The official website has a search function so that students can find books that match their English level according to the Lexile Index, and we also encourage you to make your own reading list and share it with your classmates.


FLIS图书馆网址 Links


★ I'm the Author!

今年,与阅读马拉松同步进行的还有“YES! I'm the Author”原创作者征集活动。最终校图书馆收到45位师生投稿,题材、内容均令人惊喜,原来FLIS藏龙卧虎,有这么多大小作家……目前作品正在审核、排版阶段,敬请期待印刷成品!

This year, the “YES! I'm the Author” activity was held in conjunction with the Readathon. In the end, the school library received submissions from 45 students and faculty, and the topics and contents were surprising… Currently, the works are being reviewed and typeset, so please look forward to the finished product in print!