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School Events丨妙会非遗 新春大吉:在FLIS 我们这样迎接春节!


It’s that time of year- the biggest festival in the Chinese world is approaching! How do people celebrate Chinese New Year in your hometown? Writing Chinese couplets, cutting window paper-cuts and drawing sugar paintings-these folk activities are common New Year's memories of  Chinese people, and are also important carriers of Chinese culture. As early as 2006, Chinese New Year has been included in the first batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China. This year, Fuzhou Lakeside International School organized a grand Spring Festival Temple Fair with the theme of "A Perfect Date with Intangible Cultural Heritage", where FLIS students could not only experience the folk customs of Spring Festival, but also deeply feel the unique charm of the intangible cultural heritage skills!



On the day of the event, many students arrived at the school dressed in traditional New Year's attire. Under the guidance of the art teachers, FLIS students had recently completed the "Golden Dragon" installation, which was very awe-inspiring! The temple fair was not without good food and fun: were you envious of the lively lion and dragon dances? FLIS students also experienced the fun of the "Lion Boys". As the New Year was approaching, the students Hit the Coin for good luck! The handmade stalls such as Dough Figurine, Sugar Painting, Chinese New Year Couplets, and Lucky Rubbing, were welcomed by excited students. Finally, the directors of the academic department also prepared a little surprise for the students by giving them New Year red packets and Tanghulu!



The FLIS family has been working together for another year. We would like to thank all the staff and students for their hard work and dedication, as well as the parents for their continued support. We wish all FLIS family members a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year! Hope we all have a very good year!
