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漫长的寒假即将来临,想必大家模模糊糊已有了种种计划,春节外出旅行、拜访亲友、休养身体……在你的to-do list里,是否有阅读的一席之地?或许平时,我们忙于学习、生活,无瑕细读文本,那么寒假正是喂饱双眼及心灵的好时机,终于可以借此机会好好读个痛快!本期推文,我们特地为阅读爱好者们准备了一份书单;有别于从前给出多本长长长书单的模式,这次,我们邀请学部各部门老师、主管精心挑选1-2本适合本部门学子的书籍,并亲自撰写推荐语。这份书单包罗万象,希望荐书人对书籍的热情也能在这寒冬中感染你,点燃你的阅读兴趣!

The winter break is approaching, and we’re sure you've already got all sorts of plans, such as spring festival trips, visiting friends and relatives, and taking a nice rest. Is there a place for reading in your to-do list? Maybe we were too busy with our studies and life to read before, but winter break is the right time to feed your eyes and mind, and you can finally take this opportunity to have a good time reading! In this issue, we have prepared a book list for reading enthusiasts; different from the previous mode of giving a long list of books, this time, we invited teachers and directors of each department to carefully select 1-2 books suitable for different age students and write their recommendations. The list is so comprehensive that we hope the book recommenders’ passion for books will energize you and ignite your interest in reading!

