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FLIS TALK丨人与动物如何成为最佳拍档?

福州西湖国际学校本月IB学习者特质主题为"Caring(关爱)"。IB学习者会对他人的需求及感受展示出感同身受及理解尊敬的一面,致力于以行动在他人的生活或自己周身的世界中做出积极改变。为了让学子更好理解这一特质,本期FLIS TALK,我们邀请了一位警犬训导员,福州市公安局刑侦支队警犬队的郑伟警官作为访谈嘉宾。警员如何通过了解动物的需求,从而与其组成最佳拍档,动物又如何为人类生活带来难以估量的价值?在郑警官的讲述中,学子逐渐对这份看似“神秘”的工作与"Caring(关爱)"主题有了更多了解。

This month's IB learner trait theme at Fuzhou Lakeside International School is "Caring". IB learners show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around them. In order for students to better understand this trait, in this issue of FLIS TALK, we invited a police dog trainer, Mr. Zheng Wei from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau to be our guest interviewer. How do police officers understand the needs of animals so that they can form the best partner with them, and how do animals bring immeasurable value to human life? In Officer Zheng's narration, students gradually gained a better understanding of this seemingly "mysterious" job and the theme of "Caring".



Everyone loves pets. However, small animals are not objects for people to enjoy, they also have their own needs, will feel with their hearts, are close family members and reliable partners. Police dogs, guide dogs, sheepdogs and so on are more common working dogs, in the innate talent and after rigorous training, these human "good helper" dutifully complete a variety of designated tasks. Officer Zheng is an experienced police dog trainer, he said, the main responsibility of the trainer is to guide, train the police dog, so that they cooperate with the police to perform a variety of tasks, including searching and tracking suspects, discovering traces of evidence related to crime, searching for and locating explosives and narcotics, to protect the personal safety of large-scale activities and important objects, and so on.



To accomplish these difficult tasks, excellent sense of smell, hearing, and keen insight into people and the environment are indispensable, which are also the characteristics of some dog breeds, and their performance is even better after rigorous training. Talking about how to communicate with those police dogs during training, Officer Zheng shared several principles, such as reward-based, repeated reinforcement, etc. Referring to the training methods, he also introduced the principles of conditioned reflex and unconditioned reflex, as well as the skills of training dogs with a special tool - the clicker. During his sharing, Officer Zheng constantly emphasized the importance of love, understanding and respect for animals: trainers need to patiently understand the character, habits and needs of the dog, and use this as the basis for developing a training plan. By building a good relationship with the dog, the trainer can better guide the dog to learn and change its behavior.



From the short video on the retirement of the police dog shared by Officer Zheng, we also see the care of the trainer for the dog: after the retirement of the police dog "Liran", which has been in service for 11 years, the police officers continue to take care of it in every possible way. Considering that Liran's teeth are not in the same condition as in the past, and its sense of smell and eyesight have also deteriorated, the police force has prepared a nutritious retirement meal for it; under the premise of not doing too strenuous exercise, they take it to play with a ball and bask in the sun; after Liran's iconic canine teeth have fallen out, the police officers carefully put them away and save them for cherishing… It is a two-way relationship between humans and animals.


相信此次访谈后,郑警官在与动物打交道方面的知识和经验,以及他作为权威人士的榜样作用,都会让FLIS学子们受益匪浅,也让大家更多从他者角度考虑“关爱”这一主题。感谢本期嘉宾的倾情分享,我们下期FLIS TALK再会!

We believe that after this interview, FLIS students will benefit from Officer Zheng's knowledge and experience in cooperating with animals, as well as his role model as an authority figure, and will be able to think more about the topic of "caring" from the perspective of others. Thank you to our guests for their kind words, and we will see you again in the next FLIS TALK!
