Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States. It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. On Thanksgiving Day, family and friends usually gather for dinner, with turkey being the traditional highlight of the meal.
在福州西湖国际学校,感恩节是一个有关分享、感恩,令人愉悦的节日!在近一个月的线上教学后,此次感恩节相聚对大家而言想必意义更加重大。2022年初秋,我们经历了多少值得感恩的人与事:感谢隔离期间师生、亲邻、好友的守望相助,感恩我们仍有机会重返校园感受节日的快乐,感谢防疫一线医护、基层人员的辛勤付出…… Thanksgiving at Fuzhou Lakeside International School is a delightful holiday about sharing and giving thanks! After nearly a month of online teaching, this Thanksgiving gathering must have been even more meaningful to all of us, for the many people and things we experienced in the early fall of 2022: for the support of our students, teachers, neighbors and friends during the quarantine, for the opportunity to return to school and feel the joy of the holidays, for the hard work of the medical and grassroots personnel on the front lines of the epidemic prevention…
今年,感恩节百乐餐活动也照常举行。师生一道分享家中带来的自制美食,闲话家常,其乐融融;各学部学子也通过自己的方式庆祝节日,做手工,载歌载舞……其中,艺术部老师以“秋日物语”为主题,邀请全校师生以秋天的落叶、果实、花朵等植物为元素进行共同创作,用秋日百人DIY作品留住这个季节的美好。一起欣赏这些承载了师生秋思的画作吧! This year, the Thanksgiving Day potluck was also held as usual. Students and teachers shared homemade food from home and talked about family life together; they also celebrated the festival in their own way, making crafts and singing and dancing… Among them, teachers of the art department invited all students and teachers to create a piece with autumn leaves, fruits, flowers and other plants as the theme of "Autumn Story". We’d like to keep the beauty of this season with these DIY artworks for 100 people in autumn. Let's enjoy the paintings that carries the autumn thoughts of teachers and students!
本期FLIS TALK也带来了感恩节相关内容。火鸡是感恩节十分常见的元素,或许大家已经从课堂上学习了感恩节食用火鸡的渊源。但世上有多少种火鸡?中国主要的火鸡品种又是哪两种?我们邀请了福建农林大学讲师,毕业于中国农业大学动物营养与饲料科学专业的郭博士,为大家讲解非自然选择的火鸡起源。可能很多同学不知道,国内火鸡的主要市场,就在福建哦! This issue of FLIS TALK also brings Thanksgiving-related content. The turkey is a very common element of Thanksgiving, and perhaps you have already learned the origins of Thanksgiving turkey consumption from the classroom. But how many varieties of turkeys are there in the world? And what are the two main turkey breeds in China? We invited Dr. Guo, a lecturer at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University who’s graduated from China Agricultural University majored in Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, to explain the origin of turkeys by unnatural selection. Many students may not know that the main market for domestic turkeys is in Fujian!
多姿多彩的感恩节活动就这样结束了。在此,我们祝大家感恩节快乐,愿快乐、爱与奇迹常伴您左右! This is the end of the colorful Thanksgiving Day activities. We would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and may joy, love and wonder always be with you!