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School News丨国内首批!恭喜FLIS学子收获GAC学习徽章

September, the golden autumn, is the season of harvest. Three Fuzhou Lakeside International School students received the official ACT GAC course study badge, making them the first few students from China to receive the badge.

GAC课程(Global Assessment Certificate,即全球评估证书)为ACT(American College Test,即美国大学测验)框架下的国际大学预科课程,专为母语非英语的学子设计,以全英文授课、学生为中心,涵盖ACT核心理念——学习、评估及职业导向。该课程分为I至III级3个级别,内容涵盖学术英语、数学、自然科学、社会科学、计算机、商科、心理学、学习技能、沟通技能等领域,由浅入深地全面培养学生的学术能力和个人能力,帮助、训练、指导学生逐渐从依赖型学习者转变为主动型自主学习者,提升学子软实力。目前,国内ACT GAC授权学校已达150多所,覆盖全国29个省、市、自治区,受到广泛认可,为越来越多学子步入全球名校提供了更多机会及可能性。
The GAC program (Global Assessment Certificate) is an internationally recognized university preparation program under the framework of the American College Test (ACT), designed for students who do not have English as their first language, and is taught in English, student-centered, and covers the core concepts of the ACT --Learning, Measurement, and Navigation. The course is divided into three levels. Each level helps build up student's skills and competencies. Modules range from Academic English to core subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Business, Computing, Social, Business, Computing, Social Emotional Learning, Education and Career Navigation, Psychology, Study Skills, Communication Skills and more. The program is designed to develop students' academic and personal skills in a comprehensive manner, helping, training and guiding students to gradually transform from dependent learners to active and independent learners, and enhancing their soft skills. At present, there are more than 150 authorized ACT GAC schools in China, covering 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, which are widely recognized and provide more opportunities and possibilities for more and more students to enter the world's top schools.

此次三名FLIS学子所获学习徽章就与GAC第一阶段【沟通技能】课程有关。完成相关课程后,学子需要接受一定评估,包括递交书面论文、参加考试等等,唯有获得70%及以上分数才可以得到ACT官方颁发的学习徽章,证明他们对这一课程有过系统的学习。未来,学子可以将获得的徽章粘贴在大学申请CV上(college application),亦不失为一大亮点。
The three FLIS students were awarded study badges related to the GAC Level I [Communication Skills] course. Upon completion of the course, students are required to undergo certain assessments to receive the badge, including case studies, written papers, examinations, performance rubrics/checklists, with a minimum passing score of 70%. In the future, students will be able to attach the badge to their college applications, which is a highlight.

Looking back on what they learned in the course, the three students were very impressed. Jonas found the course to be very meaningful in terms of learning communication skills and being more comfortable with conflicts that arise during the communication process. Daniel realized that the values and goals of the all the participants in a conversation are essential, and that if they are not well understood, the communication can be ineffective. Tony, on the other hand, talked about the course from another point of view: it is very useful to have some communication skills in daily life, so that we can better understand our own personality and that of others (by listening patiently and thinking with an open mind about the ideas that come up in the communication). Communication is a means to obtain information in different scenarios and an effective way to establish contact with others.

此外,Daniel同学还向我们透露了一个好消息:前阵子,在完成了由海外顶尖大学教授辅导的线上科研项目后,他参与撰写的论文”Diet and Exercise Treatment and Prevention for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases Patients”(《对于非酒精性脂肪肝病人的饮食及运动治疗或预防建议》)将在国际学术会议(2022 International Conference on Biological Engineering and Medical Science)上发表,被收录进DOI索引与各大学术论文库。让我们祝贺Daniel!
In addition, Daniel also revealed to us the good news that after completing an online research project tutored by professors from top overseas universities, his paper " Diet and Exercise Treatment and Prevention for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases Patients " has been accepted by the 2022 International Conference on Biological Engineering and Medical Science, which will be indexed in DOI and other major academic repositories. Let's congratulate Daniel!

For the 2020-2021 school year, Fuzhou Lakeside International School was successfully authorized as a GAC-ACT Teaching Center and became the first Global ACT Testing Center in Fuzhou. As a result, all students who have completed the GAC program are eligible to take the ACT at FLIS's own teaching center and to apply to foreign universities using their GAC and ACT test scores. In the future, we also expect FLIS students to excel in their course work. Congratulations to all three students, and may your studies continue!