The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, after the Yangtze River, and its lower basin is the main birthplace of the Chinese people, and is one of the economic and cultural centers of gravity in Chinese history, therefore, the Yellow River has considerable significance to Chinese civilization and is known as the "Mother River".
2022年9月,“全球百名华人青少年唱响新时代黄河之歌”正式启动。一首《黄河之歌》,唱尽母亲河的底蕴风华。此曲由来自中国香港的华语流行乐坛著名音乐人林健华先生担任词曲创作,匈牙利布达佩斯交响乐团担任伴奏。据黄河之歌组委会主任、活动总策划吴雨桥先生介绍,《黄河之歌》MV是国内有史以来参与国家和地区最多的一部歌曲MV,涵盖了全球五大洲的众多国家、国内众多城市及中国港澳台地区,且拍摄地大都选在各个地区的文化地标,此外,歌曲MV由著名钢琴演奏家郎朗领衔出演,届时大家会一睹他演奏黄河之歌的风采,不仅如此,朗朗还带领全球百名华人青少年共同完成拍摄,他们也是来自全球不同国家和地区、来自不同党派、不同民族、不同阶层、不同群体、不同信仰、不同社会制度下的海内外华人家庭的子女,其中不乏许多反映社会正能量群体的子女。 In September 2022, "100 Chinese Youth around the World Sing the Song of the Yellow River in a New Era" was officially launched. The song "Song of the Yellow River" sings about the heritage of the Mother River. The song was composed by Mr. Lin Jianhua, a famous Chinese pop musician from Hong Kong, China, and accompanied by the Budapest Symphony Orchestra of Hungary. According to Mr. Wu Yuqiao, the director of the organizing committee of the Song of the Yellow River and the chief planner of the event, the music video of the Song of the Yellow River is the one with the largest number of scenes of countries and regions in China, covering many countries in five continents, many cities in China, and the shooting locations are mostly chosen in the cultural landmarks of each region. In addition, the music video of the song is led by Lang Lang, a famous piano player, and we will have a glimpse of his performance of the Yellow River Song, not only that, Lang Lang also led 100 Chinese youths around the world to complete the shooting, they are also children of Chinese families from different countries and regions, from different parties, different nationalities, different classes, different groups, different beliefs, different social systems at home and abroad, among them there are many children who reflect the positive energy of the society.
福州西湖国际学校学子很荣幸作为福州市唯一代表,在福州地标——镇海楼及西湖之畔参与了此次MV录制!学子们真挚唱出全球华人青少年对党和祖国的无限深情,团结全国各族人民、港澳台同胞、海外华人华侨,为黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展凝心聚力,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献力量。MV将于近期在全球同步推出,届时请大家多多关注! The students of Fuzhou Lakeside International School were honored to be the only representatives from Fuzhou City to participate in this music video recording at the Fuzhou landmark - Zhenhai Building and the shores of West Lake! The music video will be released globally in the near future, so please stay tuned!
河流孕育了文明,音乐则架起了沟通的桥梁。愿这首传达中华儿女对母亲河之依恋、歌颂中华民族勇往直前精神品质的歌曲,能在国庆之际捎来FLIS学子对祖国母亲的祝福,展现FLIS学子的风采。“中华民族一家亲,同心共筑中国梦”,祝大家国庆快乐,我们十月再见! Rivers nurture civilization and music can bridge the gap between them. May this song, which conveys the attachment of Chinese sons and daughters to their mother river and celebrates the courageous spirit of the Chinese nation, bring the blessings of FLIS students to their motherland and show the elegance of FLIS students on the occasion of the National Day. We wish you all a happy National Day and see you in October!