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IPC Learning: Different Places, Similar lives

福州西湖国际学校四年级学子在漫长的雨季中开始了IPC新单元的学习。“不同的地域,相似的生活(Different Places, Similar lives)”,在这个主题单元中,学子将对比、了解各地人们生活的异同。法国作家夏多布里昂曾说,“每一个人身上都拖着一个世界,由他所见过、爱过的一切所组成的世界,即使他看起来是在另外一个不同的世界里旅行、生活,他仍然不停地回到他身上所拖带着的那个世界去。”在此期间,就让我们化身全球大使、地理学家、历史学者,了解、旁观他人的生活,当然,也拓展我们所栖息的世界。
The fourth-grade students at Fuzhou Lakeside International School have begun a new unit of IPC learning during the long rainy season. "Different Places, Similar lives", in this unit, students will compare and contrast and learn about the similarities and differences between how people lead their lives in different countries throughout the world. The French writer Chateaubriand once said, “Every man carries within himself a world made up of all that he has seen and loved; and it is to this world that he returns, incessantly, though he may pass through and seem to inhabit a world quite foreign to it." In the meantime, let us take on the role of global ambassadors, geographers, and historians to understand and observe the lives of others and, of course, to expand the world we inhabit.

单元学习之初,G4Y学子在老师的指导下录制了FLIS简介视频作为单元切入点(Entry Point),并将之发送给了位于苏格兰格拉斯哥的一所小学,Braidbar Primary School的四年级学子。不久,孩子们便欣喜地发现对方也发来了视频回复。横跨亚欧大陆,九千多公里路程、七小时时差……一来一回中,FLIS学子与苏格兰学子对彼此学校及校园生活都有了更深入的了解,也回答了对方提出的问题。我们惊讶地发现两群来自不同国度的学子竟有许多共同点!比如,Braidbar小学也有蓝色校服,同FLIS一样;又比如,两所学校都会在校庆祝圣诞节、万圣节及中国春节;还有,与我们交换视频的班级同样会在达成学习目标时举行班级派对庆祝一番,他们也会为过生日的同学制作卡片……
G4Y students began the unit by creating an introduction video about our school. They explained our daily routine, the subjects we study, and what makes us internationally-minded. G4Y students then sent this video to a grade 4 class in Braidbar Primary School of Glasgow, Scotland to help them think of questions they would like us to answer which would help us all find similarities and differences between our school experiences. Soon after, FLIS students were delighted to find out that Braidbar students had also sent a video reply. Although they were over 9,000 km far away from each other, and have a seven-hour time difference across Asia and Europe, the FLIS students and the Scottish students gained a better understanding of each other's schools, and answered questions from each other. We were surprised to find that the two groups of students from different countries had a lot in common! For example, Braidbar Primary School has blue school uniforms, just like FLIS; both schools celebrate Christmas, Halloween, and Chinese New Year at school; the classes we exchanged videos with also have class parties to celebrate reaching goals, and they make cards for classmates to help them celebrate their birthdays at school, too…

在之后的单元学习中,我们也与新结识的苏格兰友人定期保持联系。作为单元切入点的延伸,教师让学子用一定金额购买产自世界各地的食物。食物与我们的日常生活息息相关,此外,四年级学子刚刚结束了IPC单元“菜单上有什么?(What’s on the menu?)”的学习,这也是个承上启下的好机会。起初,学子希望以便宜的价格买到最好的食物,如香蕉、冰淇淋等。但在比较了产地及价格后,考虑到食物背后的供应链、考虑到农民劳作与收入的关系,新问题浮出水面:我们对进口食物的选择会产生哪些影响?无独有偶,Braidbar小学的孩子近来正在学习公平贸易(Fairtrade)相关内容,通过自己的力量帮助提高发展中国家农民的收入。在我们吃饱穿暖的同时,世上依然有很多人正挣扎于温饱及格线上……这也令FLIS学子对进口食物的价格有了新的思考!
Throughout the unit, we have maintained the connection with our Scottish friends, exchanging more questions and videos about each other's schools. As an extension of the unit's entry point, the teacher asked the students to buy food from around the world for a certain amount of money. Food is very relevant to our daily lives and, in addition, 4th-grade students have just completed the IPC unit "What's on the menu? ", and this was a good opportunity to build on that. At first, the students wanted to buy the best food, such as bananas and ice cream, at a cheap price. But after comparing origins and prices, considering the supply chain behind the food, and considering the relationship between farmers' labor and income, new questions emerge: What are the effects of the choices we make when importing food? Not surprisingly, children at Braidbar Primary School have recently been learning about Fairtrade, which helps farmers by making sure they get paid a fair price for their products and food. While we are well fed and clothed, there are still many people in the world who are struggling to get above survival levels of income… This has led the FLIS students to rethink the price of imported food!

The world is one, but differences still exist. Why are we different? Should we ignore differences everywhere, or face them and do something about them to make the planet we all live on a better place? Taking this opportunity, FLIS students studied the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals: these goals present the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. G4Y students delved deeper, comparing them to UNICEF's SDGs, presenting the problems that still exist and the solutions they envision for them, and then summarizing and organizing them to create their own SDGs panels.

After completing the "International Ambassador" task, the FLIS students went back to work as "geographers" to explore the relationship between mountains and continents, climate and temperature, and population density. After comparing maps of different countries and regions, the students discovered differences in topography, temperature, and population density. After carefully reviewing the maps, they gained a new understanding: large administrative regions are basically built by the water, and people live by the water. After that, they also explored the four seasons and amount of precipitation of Fuzhou and Glasgow.

Human history is full of historical figures who have made a difference in areas such as fighting disease, helping the poor, developing industry and trade, and discovering valuable resources. In the unit of study, learning from history and looking at the past, the students conducted directed research on the history of various countries to learn about these historical figures who had a significant impact on the world. Their study culminated in a debate between historical figures from around the world.

Coming to the end of the unit, G4Y students and G4G students compared what they had learned. This was the last IPC unit of the semester. Can people have similar interests and lifestyles even if they live in different countries of the world? What changes have human life gone through? After these few weeks of study, the answers are clear. Although we were stuck in the rainy season in Fuzhou, we also witnessed the bright sunny days in Scotland, explored the world's prosperity and hardship, and added some dimensions to our vision - and this is not the end of the road for you little global citizens! There are still countless new and interesting IPC topics ahead for you to explore. "…hope that the road is a long one, filled with adventures, filled with discoveries", and we'll see you next school year for IPC studies!