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School News | 由小学迈向中学的一步:IB(MYP)项目宣讲会顺利举行!

福州西湖国际学校于5月26日举行了IB(MYP)项目宣讲会。本次宣讲会面向四、五年级家长,由IB(MYP)项目主管Travis Coyne(龙在天)先生主持。

Fuzhou Lakeside International School held an IB (MYP) program seminar on May 26th. The presentation was open to parents of grades 4 and 5 and was led by Mr. Travis Coyne, IB (MYP) Program Director.

· 什么是IB?
· International Baccalaureate

国际文凭(International Baccalaureate,简称IB)是一个非营利性质的国际教育基金会,成立于1968年,总部设在瑞士的日内瓦,是世界公认的国际教育的领跑者。国际文凭组织面向全世界的儿童和青少年提供四个国际文凭教育项目:小学项目(PYP)、中学项目(MYP)、大学预科项目(DP)和职业相关课程(CP)。其使命宣言:培养勤学好问、知识渊博、富有爱心的年轻人,他们通过对多元文化的理解和尊重,为开创更美好、更和平的世界贡献力量。为了实现这个目标,国际文凭组织与众多的学校、政府以及其它国际组织进行合作,开发出一系列具有挑战性的国际教育项目和严格的评估制度。这些项目鼓励世界各地的学生成长为既积极进取又富有同情心的终身学习者,他们理解尽管人与人之间存在着差异,但他人的意见也可能是正确的。
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit international foundation founded in 1968 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and is recognized worldwide as a leader in international education. The IB offers four educational programmes: the IB Diploma Programme and the IB Career-related Programme for students aged 15 to 19, the IB Middle Years Programme for students aged 11 to 16, and the IB Primary Years Programme for children aged 3 to 12. The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

IB(MYP)为FLIS六至十年级学子的学习项目。宣讲会伊始,Coyne先生对家长们做了自我介绍,来自美国的他拥有超过二十年中小学教育经验,过去十一年均于中国任教,曾成功带领其任教所在国际学校获得IB(MYP)世界学校认证,在课程开发、教师培训、项目架构、IB整合方面经验丰富。与此同时,Coyne先生也对家长阐明了我校IB(MYP)项目的培养目标:FLIS MYP将提供一个学习环境,培养有原则、有爱心、能力均衡的现在/未来领袖。我们致力于通过探究式学习来培养学生的自我意识和全球意识,让学生知道他们可以对自己的生活和周围的世界产生积极影响。这与国际文凭组织的目标不谋而合。
IB (MYP) is a program of study for FLIS students in grades 6-10. At the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Coyne introduced himself to the parents. He who came from America has over 20 years of experience in primary and secondary education and has taught in China for the past eleven years. Mr. Coyne then shared with parents the mission statement for the FLIS MYP: FLIS MYP provides a learning environment that nurtures principled, caring, balanced leaders of today and tomorrow. We are committed to using inquiry based learning to develop awareness of self and global-mindedness that allows our students to know that they can have a positive impact on their own lives and the world around them. This coincides with the goals of the International Baccalaureate Organization.

In order to achieve these goals, FLIS MYP has set up expectations for how to best meet the needs of its students. While FLIS MYP is not going to “spoon-feed” our MYP students, because what we do is to encourage and train our students to “feed” themselves. They will learn to be responsible for themselves and their learning. The program is not focused on testing, test result-focused, or ranked. This is because assessment is designed and used to get feedback on student performance in order to set and adjust learning goals. This ultimately allows students to develop systematically academically. Therefore making mistakes is not scary or bad, they are as important to learning as success is, and we use them to further learning with an eye to the long-term development of our students.

接下来,Coyne先生对家长介绍了FLIS在该学习项目上能为学子提供的全面家校支持,从IB学习者特质、ATL发展、生活技能课程、语言课程,到MYP员工培训、家长会、FLIS MYP家长工作坊等等。
Next, Mr. Coyne introduced parents to the comprehensive home-school support FLIS can provide to students in this program, from IB Learner Profile, ATL development, Life skills courses, Language based track placement, to MYP staff training, Parent teacher conferences, FLIS MYP parent workshops, and more.

目前,我校正处于IB世界学校MYP认证候选阶段,若一切顺利,FLIS将在2022-23学年末成为国际文凭组织认证的MYP世界学校。Coyne先生对家长透露了接下来FLIS IB(MYP)项目的种种计划,也展示了我校MYP一年级课程。我们希望为学子提供更多教育选择,也期待在明年MYP项目中看到更多新面孔。一如既往,FLIS愿与您在教育之旅中一路偕行!
Currently FLIS are in the Candidate phase of the IB World School accreditation for the MYP. If all goes well we should be an IB MYP World School by end of the school year 2022-23. Mr. Coyne told parents about the upcoming plans for the IB (MYP) program at FLIS and also showed our MYP Year 1 courses. We hope to provide more educational options for our students and look forward to seeing more new faces in the MYP program next year. As always, FLIS is ready to travel with you on your educational journey!