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School News丨新学期FLIS Talk嘉宾招募中 一起加入我们吧!

春季学期返校已有一段时间。随着气温逐渐回升,太阳露脸,学子们也渐渐适应了校园生活的节奏。本次推文,FLIS想要同大家聊聊中学部王牌讲座栏目「FLIS Talk」。

It has been some time since we returned to school for the Spring semester. As the temperature is warming up and the sun is showing its face, students are getting used to the pace of campus life. In this article, we would like to talk about FLIS Talk, the brilliant program for secondary students.

FLIS Talk是中学部于三年前开设的王牌系列讲座栏目。升入中学后,不少孩子都对未来略感迷茫。不久后他们就将入读大学,或许心中早有了对某类行业的憧憬……但理想与现实并不时时相符,如何掀开那层美丽而朦胧的面纱,观察理想的真正面貌呢?于是,FLIS定期请来各行各业的优秀人士,为中学生们深入浅出地介绍自己所在的行业,既拓宽了学生们的视野,也让他们对各种「职业」有一定了解,在未来做出选择时可以更加从容。
FLIS Talk is a series of lectures for secondary students. After entering secondary school, many students find that they are a little confused about their future. Soon they will go to college and although they might have an occupation in mind, many students are still faced with a great deal of uncertainty. To help alleviate some of this stress, FLIS regularly invites outstanding people from all walks of life to introduce their own careers to secondary students, which not only broadens their horizons, but also lets students have a clearer understanding of various occupations and help them make better choices.

几年来,FLIS Talk不仅输出了一场又一场精彩的讲座,也在无意中与学子结下一段又一段奇妙的缘分:在19年FLIS Talk嘉宾、鼓手Deryc先生的推荐下,FLIS乐队登上了福州本土跨年盛世茉莉音乐节的舞台;我们曾举办过关于咏春拳与古典音乐的宣讲会,不久后,FLIS史上第一个咏春社团与西洋乐社团应运而生;作为圣诞慈善活动的延续,我们邀请公益组织[福州小家]的发起人、来自福建医科大学附属协和医院小儿血液科的郑浩主任为大家进一步介绍儿童白血病的舒缓治疗……此外,这个王牌栏目也让师生再一次认识了FLIS大家庭的成员们:一位又一位优秀的家长登上这个舞台,他们是机长、医学博士、合成生物学专家、演奏家、公益机构组织者……在此,我们再次衷心感谢家长们给予FLIS TALK栏目的支持!
Over the past few years, FLIS Talk has not only hosted one wonderful lecture after another, but also inadvertently formed one amazing bond with students after another: on the recommendation of Mr. Deryc, the drummer and guest of FLIS Talk in 2019, the FLIS band was on the stage of Fuzhou's local New Year's Eve festivities - the Moli Music Festival; we had held a lecture on Wing Chun and classical music, and soon after, the The first Wing Chun club and Chamber Music club in the history of FLIS was born; as a continuation of the Christmas charity event, we invited the initiator of [Fuzhou Hope Home], the associate chief physician from Pediatric Hematology Department in Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, to further introduce the Pediatric Palliative Care ...... In addition, this ace program also allows teachers and students to get to know the members of the FLIS family once again; excellent parents take the stage; pilots, medical doctors, synthetic biology experts, performers, organizers of charity organizations… Here, we once again sincerely thank the parents for their support to the FLIS Talk!

2022年,FLIS有意邀请更多专业人士丰富这一王牌栏目、让学子有机会接触到更广阔的世界!对此,FLIS向诸位家长发出倡议:愿意登上FLIS Talk与学子亲切交流,且对环境保护、家庭教育、身心健康、人身安全防护等领域有研究的家长,欢迎与学生处联络!加入我们,新的一年,让FLIS Talk继续大放异彩;或许,有收获的不仅仅只是学子们!
In 2022, FLIS intends to invite more professionals to enrich this prestigious program and expose students to a wider world! In this regard, FLIS would like to invite all parents who would like to come on FLIS Talk and communicate with their students, and who are interested in environmental protection, family education, physical and mental health, personal safety and security, to contact the student office! Join us in the New Year and let FLIS Talk continue to shine; perhaps not only the students will be rewarded!

联系方式 Contact

学生处 - 冯老师
Ms Feng
TEL: 18060631608
学生处 - 固定电话
Student Affairs: 
(0591) - 28066277