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Model United Nations

12月3日,由4位中学部老师带队的26位FLIS学子开始了为期3天的厦门模拟联合国比赛。他们经过数周准备,在Mr. Jack, Mr. Steve和Ms. Grace三位老师指导下,大致了解了比赛内容和期望,终于迎来了比赛。六场会议中,各委员会内及成员间多次互动、交流;短短两天内,FLIS学子们要代表他们各自分配到的国家。与会者必须通过现场撰写的工作文件与决议草案,以联合国会议中使用的程序规则来阐述观点、政策磋商、投票表决、做出决议,经历一轮轮唇枪舌战。这不仅是学习和探索国际关系及政治历史知识的绝佳机会,也让孩子们在过程中进一步锻炼了社交技能。在最后一天举行的闭幕式上,FLIS学子也因亮眼表现赢得了众多奖项。祝贺他们!Olivia Xu(MYP1)被授予荣誉奖,Vivi Zhang(MYP5)被授予最佳立场论文,杰出代表被授予Andy Zhang(MYP4)同学,而Anna Liu(MYP5)同学获得最高奖项—最佳代表奖。
On December 3rd, 26 FLIS students, led by 4 secondary teachers, participated in the 3-day Xiamen Model United Nations competition. After weeks of preparation under the guidance of Mr. Jack, Mr. Steve, and Ms. Grace to develop a good foundational understanding of the event and what to expect, they finally arrived at the competition. During the six sessions, there were many interactions and exchanges within the different committees and among all the committee members. Over the course of two days, FLIS students represented their assigned countries. The participants had to write working papers and draft resolutions on the spot; they had to present their views, consult on policies, vote and make resolutions following the rules of procedures based on those used in UN meetings, and go through rounds of debates. This was not only a great opportunity to learn and explore international relations, political history, and contemporary world issues, but also allowed the students to further hone their social skills in the process. At the closing ceremony held on the last day, FLIS students also won numerous awards for their outstanding performance. Olivia Xu (MYP1) was awarded Honorable Mention, Vivi Zhang (MYP5) was awarded Best Position Paper, Outstanding Delegate was awarded to Andy Zhang (MYP4), and the top award of Best Delegate went to Anna Liu (MYP5 and IEP). Congratulations to them! 

After returning to school, students and teachers reflected together to find out more thing that can be improved and to start planning for next year’s competition. We hope our students can go further in next competition! 

ASDAN Business Simulation

上周末,12位FLIS MYP学子参加了厦门举办的ASDAN模拟商业挑战。本次商赛意在提升大众对联合国可持续发展目标15——即保护、恢复和促进可持续利用陆地生态系统,可持续管理森林,防治荒漠化,制止和扭转土地退化,遏制生物多样性的丧失——的关注与了解。两天比赛中,学子需要完成种种任务,围绕一项技术创业,努力达到目标15的各项要求。
On the weekend of December 11th, 12 MYP students from FLIS participated in the ASDAN Business Simulation held in Xiamen. The focus of the simulation was promoting awareness of the UN’s SDG 15: Life on Land; a goal to reduce the impact of human activity on land environments. Students were tasked with setting up a business based around a technology to help meet the targets of SDG 15.

The students from FLIS worked tirelessly and passionately throughout the weekend to create the best business plans they could. As a teacher, it was inspiring to see the students work together and coordinate so effectively; applying skills and knowledge from the classroom to real-world situations with great results! The students from the Junior competition received first place for their performance in the ‘Business Battle’, and a massive overall Silver Award for their performance in the Business Simulation – Overall, and the second place in Fujian Provincial Junior group. This automatically qualifies them for the national competition held in Shanghai in August 2022. The Senior team were up against tough competition from nearly 30 teams of experienced students. However, they rose to the challenge and took 4th place in the Auction Activity, first place in the Business Pitch and finished in the top 60% of the Business Simulation, qualifying for the ‘Star of Excellence’ round. We are all immensely proud of every student and their contributions to the tasks. Not only did the students come away with awards aplenty, but with new knowledge, new skills and new friends. It was great to see everyone working so hard together, whilst ultimately having a great experience and enjoying the challenge very much. Congratulations to all the students who participated! Bring on round 2! 

FLIS TALK: “反欺凌”讲座
Bullying Awareness

本周FLIS TALK中,负责个人发展规划的Virginia老师给大家带来了一场“反欺凌”讲座。许多孩子或许因未曾亲身经历而觉得“欺凌”一事与自己相距甚远,这当然是一种幸运。但要更彻底自校园中杜绝欺凌现象,就有赖众人意识的提升以及种种有力措施的实施。Virginia老师首先带大家了解了欺凌的定义——唯有当对一个现象有了清晰的定义,我们才能将之迅速识别出来,厘清定义也有助于防止孩子在无知觉中成为受害者或加害者。此外,Virginia老师特地指出,欺凌可能发生在任何人身上,不论是男生、女生,不论是看起来不善表达,或气势汹汹,因此我们更需铭记:没有任何一个人理所当然遭受欺凌,且遭受欺凌绝非受害者之过。
This week at the FLIS TALK, Ms. Virginia, who is in charge of college guidance, gave a talk on "Bullying Awareness". Many students may feel that bullying is far away from them because they have never experienced it themselves, which is certainly fortunate. Ms. Virginia began the lecture by explaining the definition of bullying - the only way to quickly identify a phenomenon is to have a clear definition of it, and to help prevent kids from unknowingly becoming victims or perpetrators of bullying. In addition, Ms. Virginia pointed out that bullying can happen to anyone, boys or girls, whether they appear to be unexpressive or aggressive, so it's important to remember that no one EVER deserves to be bullied, and that it is never the victim's fault.

In her presentation, Ms. Virginia provided a Bullying check list for all students to be careful with their words and be more kind to others. Finally, what can we do about bullying? This is a question that every student, faculty and staff should think about together in their lives and in the workplace.