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School News丨中学部本学年首次家长会顺利举行!

Secondary PTC

On November 5, the Secondary department of Fuzhou Lakeside International School held its first Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC) for the 2021-22 school year. This year, the Secondary department is still pushing forward with IB instruction. We are connecting the IB learner profile to the House system, through daily classroom life. Additionally, we are conducting monthly workshops for parents to learn about the IB system and its concepts.

一个行之有效的家校系统离不开家长、学校与学子的共同合作。若家长能够在孩子成长过程中与之同步学习、成长,亦能为孩子带来更加积极的影响。10月,FLIS中学部开展了首次面向家长的IB工作坊,由IB(MYP)项目主管Coyne先生以「什么是IB?」为主题,结合FLIS学习自身特性及国际IB体系课程,向家长们解释了FLIS IB(MYP)项目特色。接下来,我们还将逐步讲解该体系中各种概念名词及教学课程内容。
An effective home-school connection requires the cooperation of parents, school and students. In October, FLIS Secondary department held its first IB workshop for parents, where Mr. Coyne, the IB Coordinator, explained the features of FLIS IB (MYP) program to parents under the title of “What is IB?” Next, we will also explain the various concepts of the system and the content of the curriculum step by step.

IB围绕五大主题,即环境探索、概念理解、学习方法、社区服务及语言身份认同展开。课程不断发展,但ATL(Approach To Learning, 学习方式)始终是其核心,它关注的是:我是谁?我该如求知?我怎样才能学得更好?面临不断升级的知识体系,只有学生真正掌握学习新知识的技能,才能够顺势调整自己的知识框架,不断完成自我升级。MYP项目不仅有专设的ATL课程,学习“交流、社交、自我管理(组织、感情掌控、反思)、研究(信息素养、媒体素养)、思考(批判性思考、创造性思考)”,且每位学科教师在开展单元设计时,必须将ATL纳入其中,并明确告知学生,通过学科及跨学科的渗透开展实践。此外,整个学习过程中,学子不仅需要对学习方法有所认识,也要逐渐建立学习计划、培养习惯、态度和信心。IB课程希望培养探究者、知识渊博的人、思考者、交流者、反思者,但如何达成,其中一个核心要素就是ATL(学习方法)。
The IB is organized around five major themes: environmental exploration, conceptual understanding, approaches to learning, community service, and language identity. The curriculum has evolved, but ATL (Approach to Learning) has always been at its core, which focusing on: Who am I? How do I learn? How can I learn better? In the face of an ever-escalating body of knowledge, only when students truly master the skills to learn new knowledge can they adapt their knowledge framework and continuously upgrade themselves. Each subject teacher must include ATL in the design of the units and explicitly inform students about it, and practice it through disciplinary and interdisciplinary interactions. In addition, throughout the learning process, students not only need to have an understanding of learning methods, but also gradually build a learning plan, develop habits, attitudes and confidence. The IB program hopes to develop inquirers, knowledgeable people, thinkers, communicators, and reflectors, but one of the core elements of how to achieve this is ATL (Approaches to Learning).

At the PTC on November 5th, parents and teachers reviewed their children’s recent learning status, analyzed their ATL development, shared progress and gains, and made various suggestions in the face of questions about IB. Thanks to our dedicated staff and cooperative parents for helping us in our children's educational journey! In the future, we will also share more about our students' progress, achievements and learning goals, and encourage our children to boldly pursue their dreams. Keep up the good work and see you at the next parent-teacher conference!