告别了2021的上半年,日历翻到七月,我们也迎来了毕业季。7月2日,福州西湖国际学校举行了三场毕业典礼与一场期末舞会,有欢笑、有泪水,更多的,则是美好的祝福与希冀! On July 2, Fuzhou Lakeside International School held three graduation ceremonies and an end of the year party, with laughter, tears, and, above all, good wishes and hopes.
大班小朋友在幼儿园阶段所学的最后一个主题恰好叫“冲向太空(blast off)”,在结题活动中,大班孩子们要同外星朋友史迪奇深情告别。恍惚间,他们还是昨日穿着航天服的小宇航员,为史迪奇收拾行李的一幕幕近在眼前……却突然迎来与朝夕相伴三年的小伙伴说再见这一天。或许直到此刻,小朋友才明白,我们旁观了道别、学习了道别、模拟了道别,也以为自己懂得了离别,但真的要说再见,原是这样难的一件事情。亲爱的孩子,别沮丧!每一节趣味主题课、每一次集体郊游、每一声欢笑每一滴泪水,FLIS都替你妥帖收好;愿你前程坦荡、健康快乐,能够与你在人生初始阶段相伴偕行,是FLIS之大幸。我们为每个孩子如今的成长感到无比骄傲,也感谢家长们的一直以来的信任! The last theme that the Kindergarten kids learned in ECE was called "blast off". In the closing activity, they had to say goodbye to their alien friend Stitch. In a trance, they were still yesterday's little astronauts in space suits, and the scene of packing Stitch's luggage was right in front of their eyes…but suddenly they were ushered into the day of saying goodbye to their little friend who had been with them for three years. Perhaps until this moment, the children hadn’t understood, they had watched goodbyes, they had learn to say goodbye, they had learned to simulate a goodbye, and they thought they knew what a goodbye felt like, but when they actually had to say goodbye it was such a very difficult thing to do! Dear students, don't be sad! Every fun theme class, every group field trip, every laugh and every tear, FLIS will take care of all of them for you; we wish you a bright future, good health and happiness. We are proud of the growth of each child, and we thank the parents for their trust!
今年,我们也为小学生举行了毕业典礼。小学部外方主管Eddy先生在致辞中动情地回忆了自己刚加入FLIS大家庭时的情景,本次五年级毕业班恰好是他在FLIS教授的第一批学子!如今,看着这些孩子即将升入中学,自然百感交集。五年级师生合力录制了一支感人的毕业视频,看着屏幕上每个学子的童年照与现照,谁不感叹时光飞逝?孩子们面对镜头讲述了小学最后一年的美好回忆,可能是运动会与队友奋力夺金在绿茵场上飞驰,也可能是见证了更大的才艺秀舞台,为之心潮澎湃……也有些孩子表达了对中学生活与学习的憧憬,更有学子表白同学与外教Erika, 这位风趣幽默也严谨治学的老师给大家留下了深刻印象。显然,对他们而言,这是快乐且收获颇丰的一年。祝福五年级毕业生,愿往后的每一年,你们都能像视频中这样微笑着细数从前、展望未来! This year, we also held a graduation ceremony for our primary students. In his speech, Mr. Eddy, the Primary Principal, recalled, with great emotion, when he first joined the FLIS family and this fifth grade graduating class was the first group of students he taught at FLIS! Now, as these children move on to Secondary, it is natural to have mixed feelings. The fifth grade teachers and students recorded a touching graduation video, looking at the past and present photos of each student on the screen, who would not sigh at how time flies? The children faced the camera and told their memories of the last year of primary school, maybe it was the Sports Day with their teammates who fought hard to win 1st prize and running together at the green field, or maybe it was enjoying a bigger talent show stage and being overwhelmed by it. Some students also expressed their longing for secondary school life and learning, and some of them even confessed their affection for their classmates and teacher Erika, this funny and humorous teacher who is also strict in her teaching has left a deep impression on everyone. Obviously, it was a happy and fruitful year for them. Good luck to the fifth graders, and may each year to come, you will be able to count the past and look forward to the future with a smile like the one in the video!
中学部IEP学子在午后迎来了毕业典礼。这一教育项目根据学子的升学方向、学习风格及兴趣点进行个性化定制,首批四位毕业生中就有收获世界顶尖音乐学院录取通知书的James同学。未来,他们将于世界各地求学,继续发光发亮!此外,中学部学子特地策划了一场舞会,为此,几位学生用心设计活动、制作海报,并向中学部全体师生发出邀请。在学期结束的这一晚,甩开压力、丢掉烦恼,在歌声与舞步中告别2020-2021学年! Secondary IEP students celebrated their graduation ceremony in the noon. The program is personalized according to the students' study direction, learning style and interests, and among the first four graduates was James, who received an acceptance letter from one of the world's top music schools. In the future, they will continue to shine as they pursue their studies around the world! In addition, the secondary students planned a special end of year party for which several students designed the event, made posters, and sent out invitations to all secondary students and teachers. On this night of the end of the semester, shake off the stress, throw away your worries, and say goodbye to the 2020-2021 school year in song and dance!
感谢每一位学子、家长、教职员工为这一学年所付出的种种,辛苦了!现在,尽情享受夏日吧,我们下学年见! Thank you to every student, parent, faculty and staff for all the hard work you've put into this school year! Now, enjoy the summer and we'll see you next school year!