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School News丨福州西湖国际学校GAC-ACT考试中心首场ACT考试顺利举行!

For the 2020-2021 school year, Fuzhou Lakeside International School was successfully authorized as a GAC-ACT Teaching Center and became the first Global ACT Testing Center in Fuzhou. It enables all students who choose the GAC program and successfully graduate to take the ACT at FLIS's own teaching center and to apply to foreign universities using their GAC and ACT test scores. The introduction of this program will not only provide FLIS students with multiple channels for further education, but also further change the concept of teacher education and teaching, and enrich the curriculum of FLIS. On June 12, the first FLIS students to register for the ACT took the test in sync with the rest of the world!

ACT(American College Test,即美国大学测验)
也被称为美国高考,是美国大学最广泛使用的两大入学考试之一。较之大众更为熟悉的SAT, ACT更强调考生对课程知识的掌握,同时也考查考生独立思考和判断能力。全美所有四年制大学都接受ACT成绩,既将之视为入学条件,又把它作为发放奖学金的主要依据之一。如今,ACT受到全球各国广泛推崇。
The ACT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States. It is one of the two most widely used entrance exams to universities in the United States. Compared to the SAT, the ACT places more emphasis on the test taker's mastery of course knowledge and also tests the test taker's ability to think independently and make judgments. All four-year colleges and universities in the United States accept ACT scores both as a requirement for admission and as a major basis for scholarship awards. Today, the ACT is widely respected in countries around the world.

GAC(Global Assessment Certificate, 全球评估证书课程)
The Global Assessment Certificate program is a university preparation and foundation studies program that provides students from mostly non-English-speaking backgrounds with academic knowledge and skills to prepare them for western-style postsecondary study. It is the only international program in the world that includes the American College Test (ACT) and includes the ACT exam as an exit exam. The program puts a significant focus on building the core skills necessary for university students to succeed. Its assessments challenge students to think critically, build confidence, and sharpen the essential skills needed for language, learning, and presentation.

对于此次考试, FLIS中学部师生严阵以待。学子平日里努力学习GAC课程,积极备战考试,也在教师的指导下充分熟悉了考试流程并进行演练。鉴于我校已成为全球GAC-ACT考试中心,他们无需冒险出境参加考试,可以在熟悉的环境中集中精力准备这场于升学极为重要的考试。因疫情影响,今年美国大学理事会取消SAT考试,ACT考试就显得尤为重要。12日上午8时,FLIS GAC课程的孩子们轻松入场,至中午12时,整场考试顺利结束。让我们祝福这批学子取得好成绩,在升学路上迈出稳稳的一步!

FLIS secondary students and teachers were very prepared for this exam. The students had been studying hard for the GAC and preparing for the test, as well as familiarizing themselves with the test process and practicing under the guidance of their teachers. Since our school has become a global GAC-ACT testing center, they did not have to venture out of the country to take the test and were able to focus on preparing for this extremely important test for their education in a familiar environment. The ACT was especially important this year as the College Board canceled the SAT due to the pandemic. The students in the FLIS GAC program entered at 8:00 a.m. on the 12th, and the entire test was successfully completed by 12:00 noon. Let's wish this group of students good results and the best path forward to higher education!