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Talent Show | 2021年度才艺秀:以艺术之名 勇敢追梦!



The long-awaited 2021 Fuzhou Lakeside International School Talent Show finally took place on May 23rd! This year, we took the talent show off-campus to the Fuzhou Strait Culture Art Center, known as the "Big Jasmine" and designed by top Chinese and Finnish architects. This superb venue is shaped by the Fuzhou city flower, the jasmine, and incorporates elements of Fuzhou in a simple and elegant manner. The concert hall where the students performed on stage has a superb configuration, with the pipe organ, also known as the "treasure of the center", built into the wall of the concert hall performance area. In addition, the lighting and sound effects of this stage are truly world-class.

能在这样的舞台演出,孩子们自然铆足了劲儿准备,经过严谨的海选,最终,我们为今年【FLIS才艺秀×百姓舞台】选送了九个节目。精品节目与优质舞台的结合,果然效果非凡!FLIS招牌乐队成员几经更迭,在上一代主唱毕业后注入了更多新鲜血液,此次亮相,他们带来一首蝎子乐队与柏林爱乐交响乐团合作的作品,Moment of Glory, 交响乐与重金属摇滚的结合给观众带来了无与伦比的视听享受;春季刚刚收获顶级音乐学院录取通知书的James同学带着他心爱的古典吉他登台,《泪》+《拉利亚的祭奠》两首连弹,听众纷纷沉浸在他优美的演奏中,略显忧伤的曲调亦勾起大家不少情绪;Carlyn同学一首《大鱼》唱进所有人心中,伴着少女清澈的歌声,歌词中一幕幕画面跃然再现于听众眼前……
After a rigorous audition, we finally selected nine performances for this year's “FLIS Talent Show ×Fuzhou Strait Culture Art Center Everyman Stage”. The well-known FLIS Band’s members have changed several times, and after the graduation of the first generation vocalist, more fresh blood was injected. This time, they brought a piece by the Scorpions and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Moment of Glory, a combination of symphonic music and heavy metal, bringing the audience unparalleled audio-visual enjoyment. James, who just received his acceptance letter from a top music school this spring, brought his beloved classical guitar to the stage and played in succession "Tears" and "Feste Lariane", immersing the audience in his beautiful music. Carlyn sang the song "Big Fish", with her enchanting voice resounding in everyone's heart and eye-candy scenes accompanying the lyrics.

Selena同学与朋友们带来的拉丁舞热情如火,迅速点燃全场热情,此外Cindy与Harveych的钢琴四手联弹、Tony D与Jeyden及舞伴的酷炫舞蹈、FLIS重启乐队四位元气少女嗨唱的《无乐不作》都给观众带来了不一样的感受!
The Latin dance brought by Selena and her friends was as passionate as fire, which quickly ignited the enthusiasm of the whole audience. The audience was also dazzled by the variety of other performances such as the four-handed piano performance by Cindy and Harveych, the cool dance by Tony D and Jeyden and their dance partners, and the "No Music, No Life" piece sung by the four popular girls of the FLIS Reset Band!

FLIS向来重视课后社团活动,致力于为学子提供高质量社团体验,此次演出,FLIS合唱团这一成立仅一年的年轻合唱团体也登台献艺,挑战世界名曲"Do Re Mi";可爱的大班毕业生们则用非洲鼓为我们演奏了震撼人心的We will rock you!!!此外,百姓舞台丰富的节目类型也让观众们大开眼界:儿童戏剧、萨克斯独奏、男高音独唱……感谢每一位演出者为大家带来的精彩节目!
FLIS has always valued after-school club activities and is committed to providing students with a high-quality extracurricular on-campus experience. In this performance, the FLIS Choir, a young choir founded only a year ago, also took the stage and performed the world-famous song "Do Re Mi", while the lovely graduates of the kindergarten played the heart-stopping rock classic “We will rock you!” The Everyman Stage also enriched the audience with a wide variety of programs: children's plays, saxophone solos, tenor solos, and more. Thank you to every performer for the wonderful program!

After a long round of applause, the show was over. It was sad to see the show end, but when you think about how the talent show just gets better and better every year and all the surprises brought by the students, it seems to add a bit of longing to your heart. For the students who did not make it to the big stage this time, do not be discouraged, we hope to see everyone next year with even better performances! Congratulations to all the performers and thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the talent show a success. See you next year at the FLIS Talent Show!