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School News丨FLIS首届STEAM展完美落幕 一起来欣赏学子的奇思妙想!



The first annual 2021 FLIS STEAM Fair just concluded this week. A STEAM Fair is like a science fair -- but with more. S stands for science. T stands for technology. E stands for engineering. A stands for art. M stands for math. The goal is for students to incorporate these various processes into one outstanding project.

The STEAM Fair was divided into three sections for the purpose of judging. MYP1 and MYP2 presented their projects on Thursday, April 22. MYP3 and MYP4 presented their projects on Friday, April 23.  Finally, Primary presented their projects on Tuesday, May 4th.

MYP1同MYP2学子的作品主题广泛,全方位展示了他们对生活的观察与发现:从土壤中的电力,到设计更好的高跟鞋,甚至评估音乐对植物生长的影响……最终,David同学与John同学的锡箔防静电装置实验拔得头筹——这是针对人们冬日常见困扰「静电」而设计的防护装置;吃了火辣辣的食物,如何缓解灼烧般的不适感?Gary同学的解辣实验摘得二等奖;Nora, Wickey, Julius与Selena同学设计的清除马克笔字迹实验获得了第三名,最终他们发现,洗甲水才是真正的白板清洁神器!
First up to be judged was MYP1 and MYP2.  The projects covered a wide range of topics. Students presented their findings on everything from electricity in soil, to engineering better high heel shoes, to finding the effects of music on plant growth. In the end, first prize was given for the “Tin-Foil Electric Device” by David and John.  Second prize was given for the “Relief from Spicy Food” project by Gary.  Finally, third prize was given for the “What is the Best Permanent Marker Remover” by Nora, Wickey, Julius, and Selena.

MYP3与MYP4学子精心准备了实验,他们的作品同样精彩。Ishaan, Hao与Jesso同学假设活性炭能净化污水、去除杂色异味,他们的过滤实验获得了一等奖;Cindy, Leo与Jenny同学探究食物与能量关系的实验拿下了二等奖;夏天在即,强烈的紫外线令人苦不堪言,Yuexi, Tiffany与Cindy同学围绕紫外线设计的有趣实验赢得了三等奖!
Next up for judging were the MYP3 and MYP4 students. All of these projects showed so much work and dedication put into them by these students. 1st place was awarded for the project titled “Filtration with Activated Charcoal” by Ishaan, Hao, and Jesso. 2nd place went to “Relationship between Food and Energy” by Cindy, Leo, and Jenny. Finally, third place went to “What Blocks UV Light the Best” by Yuexi, Tiffany, and Cindy.

小学部学子也积极参与了这次实验,显然,孩子小小的脑瓜中装满了对科学大大的疑问,大家的动手能力也令人惊叹。Andy同学以硬币测试几何形状稳定性的实验获得了一等奖;爱喝汽水的同学有没有想过饮料对牙齿的影响?Stacy, Hebe与Cicinho同学的汽水与牙齿实验摘得第二名;三等奖花落四年级,学子用有限的材料手工制作一座纸质高塔,不仅要搭得高、站得稳,还得撑住一罐意面酱……他们能做到吗?
Finally it was Primary’s turn to participate in the Steam Fair. The projects that Primary students presented showed much scientific questioning and engineering analysis. You could see the effort that these students put into their work. First place went to “Coin Holder” by Andy.  2nd place went to “Soda and Teeth” by Stacy, Hebe, and Cicinho. Finally, 3rd place went to Mr. Joe’s 4th grade class for their project, “Tallest Paper Towel Challenge”.

This month's ECE themed curriculum is also centered around STEAM elements. We have incorporated science, engineering, and art elements into our daily lives through curriculum activities that allow children to learn through play. Different types of STEAM inquiry activities were conducted in all kindergarten grades to encourage children to explore the world, think critically, solve problems, ask questions, reflect, and work with teachers and peers.

Overall, our inaugural STEAM FAIR was a great success. Students were able to use their scientific and engineering skills to create fantastic projects. We look forward to even better projects next year!