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School Events丨“运动会最重要的不是胜利,而是参与!”

2021 Sports Day


Fuzhou Lakeside International School finally resumed its annual Sports Day in early April after a two-year hiatus! Do you remember what it was like to compete and sweat on the field during the year-long absence of this big event? We have designed this year's Sports Day with the hope that students will not forget to show their sportsmanship while aiming higher, faster, and stronger, and also enjoying the sports!

To everyone's surprise, this year's Secondary Sports Day’s venue was moved to Fujian Provincial Olympic Sports Center! The large venue gave students a broader stage, and the four houses competed fiercely in a number of events, including the 400-meter dash, the 200-meter dash, the 100-meter dash, the relay race, and the tug of war. For the glory of their house, each student competed with extraordinary skill and effort - the long track left a lot of memories: full of confidence at the start, accelerating sprint with a burst of energy, the agony of falling behind, and tears of joy upon reaching the finish line. Thank you to every student who gave their best. We have seen and witnessed the bloom of youth!

A few days later, we tried a new style of Sports Day for the Primary and ECE students! This time, FLIS combined sports with some retro factors, with each team representing an historical period or dynasty of a certain country. It was a points competition, with programs including fun games and traditional team games. This activity not only helped students to experience the ancient sports games, but also to understand more about sports history and humanities, passing on the spirit of world sportsmanship.  Starting with an African drum performance by the third graders and a cheerleading dance by the Secondary girls, a series of sports competitions were staged in the playground: arrow throwing, baseball, Mölkky, French ground ball, soccer, and more!

此次运动会得到了国际知名运动品牌迪卡侬的大力支持。迪卡侬以可持续地让大众同怀运动愿望、共享运动欢益为宗旨,专门设计了多款适合青少年的运动产品,也为FLIS本次活动提供了定制款文化衫、抽绳包及运动器械。运动会当天,迪卡侬福州城市总经理Damien (莫达茗)亲临活动现场,为孩子们加油助威。
Today's sports event was sponsored by the world-famous sports brand Decathlon. Decathlon, whose mission is to sustainably make the enjoyment and benefits of sports accessible to all, designs various sports products suitable for teenagers. It also provided the specially made T-shirts, drawstring bags, and sports facilities for this sports event. Our honorable guest, Decathlon Fuzhou City Leader Mr. Damien also came to the campus and supported us. 

"The most important thing in Sports Day is not to win but to participate, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." 
Thank you to all the students who fought hard, to all the staff who worked so hard to make it a success, and to all the parents who supported the FLIS family. See you at next year's Sports Day!