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School News丨新开始:IB学习者有何特质?

Welcome back to school! Students returned to campus as scheduled in the spring blossom of March. On the first day of classes, Fuzhou Lakeside International School's secondary students gathered for an award ceremony for the top performers from the previous semester and also to look ahead to this semester.

When it comes to the breakthroughs of the secondary department last semester, being positioned as an IB candidate school is one of them. The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop active, compassionate, lifelong learners, and through the IB curriculum, we often find traits in its learners that set them apart from others and allow them to progress.

What are these traits? What are the qualities that make a learner an IB learner? Sam, the Principal of Secondary School, asks. Some students in the front row said it has to do with one's behavior, which is good, but it is something that every student needs to be aware of, not just IB learners. Some students said that knowledgeable is also crucial; others mentioned the ability to research and collect resources...... These, of course, can be one type of answer.


The International Baccalaureate Organization created a profile on its website depicting IB learners on campus with ten traits: Inquirers, Knowleadeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective. On the same day, Mr. Sam presented awards to students who demonstrated these attributes in their studies last semester.

Mr. Sam said that he will ask the questions at the assembly again at the end of the semester and hopes that everyone will think and learn with the questions this semester, and we look forward to sharing their answers then.

Top learners 优秀学习者(首奖)
Nora Fang
David Chen
Tara Li
Harveych Zhang
Dolfin Wu
John Chen
Cindy Yao
Jenny Weng
Erina Kaneko
Daisy Zhuo
Tony Wu
Sue Lin
Kevin Lin
Inquirer 积极探究
David Chen
Ronan Kong
Eric Zhong
Knowledgeable 知识渊博
Tara Li
Dolfin Wu
Jenny Weng
Thinker 勤于思考
Jason Weng
Jet Li
Jack Lin
Communicator 善于交流
Daniella Huang
Xica Lin
Anna Liu
Principled 坚持原则
Daniel Huang
Sunny Ye
Harveych Zhang
Open Minded 心态开阔
Fannie Wang
Yuexi Jiang
Nora Fang
Caring 待人友善
Niko Ye
Vivi Zhang
Eugene Lin
Risk Taker 勇于冒险
Josh Chen
Alex Zeng
Max Chen
Balanced 全面发展
Vicky Huang
Peter Song
Dolfin Wu
Reflective 及时反思
Bonnie Guo
Jeffery Li
Tony Wu

On the first day of class, some secondary students filled out forms related to their future plan in the classroom. What career do you want to pursue in the future? Where do you want to live, study and work? It's also time to think in terms of the future plan: what subjects do you need to study in depth in order to reach your goals? Some people think it's too early, but when you think about it, it's never too early to make plans for the future. Think of it as your first homework assignment of the New Year! What kind of campus life will secondary students have this semester? Let's wait and see!