School News丨 横扫!祝贺FLIS中学部学子于世界学者杯再创佳绩!
The Fuzhou Regional Round for the WSC (World’s Scholar Cup) took place on December 12th & 13th. Several other public and international schools also participated in the regional round, however, our FLIS scholars proved their academic strength by sweeping away the majority of trophies and medals! We are so proud of their awards and recognition! CONGRATULATIONS!
The past year has been one of great change. Change of curriculum, change of teaching, change of learning, and change of expectations. Amongst all this change it is sometimes hard to keep track of everything we have achieved this year, and to celebrate all the success we have had as a school. But in the last month of the year (at least on a western calendar) we have had an opportunity to show off our success, the World Scholar’s Cup!
过去三年,每年福州西湖国际学校都参与了世界学者杯的比赛。FLIS学子在区域赛中表现优异,也取得了不少奖项。而今年,我们对更多学生开放了比赛报名,同时包括学习IB MYP项目与GAC-ACT的学子。最终,36名学生(12名高级组参赛生+24名初级组参赛生)报名受训,相当可观的人数!
FLIS has taken part in this competition each year for the past 3 years. Historically our students have done very well in the competition and brought back many awards in the regional round. This year however we opened the competition to many more of our students, from the English medium and bilingual medium programs, studying both IB MYP and GAC-ACT. In the end, 36 students signed up to train for the program, 12 in the senior and 24 in the junior division, a healthy number indeed!
Then came the challenge of training the students for the competition with so many taking part we had to rely on the student’s self-management, research, and collaboration skills. Luckily these are the exact skills that we have been focusing on building in our students in our new programs. This meant that by the time of the competition our students were well prepared to face any challengers.
This year especially our students had many challengers to face. We soon found out that over 130 students would be competing in the competition and not only from Fuzhou, but also from Xiamen and all over Fujian. Upon hearing this some of our students became a little concerned, ‘Will we be able to win? Will we be able to get through to the next round?’ they asked. But we remained stoic in the face of the threat, we were sure that no matter what, our students were well prepared and ready to show off everything they have learned in our changing school.
We arrived at the competition a little nervous but in good spirits, we entered the auditorium and were greeted by our competition laid out before us. Our students, proudly dressed in the school uniform, got into their teams and, rather than timidly bunching together for safety, confidently spread out in the arena taking their place between teams from other schools. A good sign for things to come. A short introduction followed, the students were keen to get started but listened attentively, keen to get any advantage. It was a particular point of pride when I noticed that many students were looking at their phones, playing games, or messaging on WeChat. But not a single one was a FLIS student, our training in how to use digital devices clearly showing its worth (and not for the last time). Another moment of pride came when the host asked the audience whether any students studied the IB, at which point all of our MYP students proudly raised up their hands high. Clearly, the students wanting to show their appreciation for the new curriculum and to show off how much they have gained from it.
The events followed swiftly afterwards; debates, quizzes, collaborative writing. I wish I could give more detail about these events, but I and the other staff were asked to judge the students from other schools as so many students were attending. Whenever I got the chance, we would sneak off to check in on the students and give a little last-minute encouragement. But it soon became apparent that it wasn’t needed. When we spoke to our students the message was overwhelming that things were going exceptionally well.
At the end of the first day spirits were even higher than when we arrived. We left the event for the hotel and a well-deserved meal listening to stories of heated debates and students giving detailed feedback to each other. This is another area where we have been training the students in their classes. Being able to analyze others' work and pick out what was successful and what needs improvement allows our students to learn from mistakes and build on what they already know. That evening we drifted off to sleep anticipating the results of the next day.
The following morning our students arrived at the gate knowing one more event was left, the scholar’s bowl. This time we got to witness the questions the students faced. The questions themselves required students to use their knowledge of the subject areas but also to think outside the box to find solutions. Again, this was a test of the students thinking and collaboration skills to find the most likely answer. The other teachers and I quietly discussed the questions amongst ourselves, at least we got to take part in this one!
At the end of the last event, the students went for lunch and swiftly returned to the auditorium to receive the results. Gold and silver were arrayed in front of us that afternoon and we hoped that some of it would accompany us on the long trip home. I don’t think any of us predicted the result that came next.
When the announcements started, I was waiting with a pen in hand to record any potential success. The first award the junior team challenge: ‘the winner, from Fuzhou Lakeside International School team 809!’. A great start, our students cheered as the winning students went to collect their gold medals and the trophy. Next the senior team challenge: ‘the winner, from Fuzhou Lakeside International School team 830!’. As the announcement came the students cheered again and I frantically tried to record the next victory. I soon lost track as prize after prize went to our students.
Debate champions (junior and senior), Team bowl (junior), Writing champions (junior), Challenge subjects in Arts, Social Studies, History, Literature, Science and the Special Area, the Asimov award (junior and senior), team debate (junior), Team writing (junior) all were followed by the announcement ‘the winner, from Fuzhou Lakeside International School’. Eventually the announcer stopped telling the winner and instead asked ‘which school do you think won?’ to which our students chanted ‘LAKESIDE!’. And they were right every time.
许久以后,我们终于等来了冠军队伍的公布。初级组前五名学者均出自FLIS, Andy Zhang同学拔得头筹。高级组我们同样将奖杯收入囊中,头奖为Matthew Fernandez同学。团队部分,初级组前五名再度被FLIS学子包揽,Dolfin Wu, Ishaan Deshmukh与Hao Chen同学为我校赢得了冠军。高级组部分,FLIS有两支队伍挤身前三,Matthew Fernandez, Ronan Kong 与 Eugene Lin同学组成的队伍获得了第一名。
Finally came the top scholars and the top teams of the competition. From the junior division the top five scholars all came from FLIS with Andy Zhang taking the top spot. In the senior division we again took home the trophy, this time going to Matthew Fernandez. For the teams, again the top 5 places in the junior section were taken by FLIS students, with Dolfin Wu, Ishaan Deshmukh, and Hao Chen winning for our school. For senior, FLIS had 2 teams in the top 3 with Matthew Fernandez, Ronan Kong, and Eugene Lin winning first place.
对我们而言,获奖固然令人欣喜,但我们也迫切想要知晓有多少队伍晋级了下一轮。最终名单里,参加比赛的36位FLIS学子中,有33人成功晋级下一轮。且因为有一个队伍因成员缺席而无法参赛,我们依然可以派全部36名参赛学子前往上海!考虑到本次比赛只有半数队伍晋级,可以说FLIS取得了相当漂亮的成绩。此外,第一次有语言习得课程的同学拿到了进入全国赛的资格:特别恭喜Kate Kim, Grace Chen, Christina Zhang, Kai Wang 与 Alice Zheng同学!
For us though, the results were not just about the winners, we also wanted to know how many teams made it through to the next round… Looking at the final list, of the 36 students who attended the competition, 33 of our students made it through to the next round. And even better, because the one remaining team didn’t make it due to a team member being absent, we can still send all our students to Shanghai! Considering that only half of the teams made it through to the next round, this is a fantastic result. A special shout out goes to Kate Kim, Grace Chen, Christina Zhang, Kai Wang, and Alice Zheng, the first language acquisition students to get through to the global round!
In the end, though the result of this experience was not just about winning, but also learning and growing from the event. All our students, at the end of the show, gathered to congratulate each other outside and you could see the large grins on their faces. They had all come to the event with high hopes and left uplifted by the feeling of pride for their fellow students. With one last cry of ‘Lakeside! Lakeside! Lakeside!’ we returned to the bus carrying not just medals and trophies but also a new level of respect and admiration for each other. As the change in our school continues, I am now more certain than ever, that our students have the strength and spirit to face any challenge and not just survive but thrive!
Samuel Rowe
Secondary Principal 中学部主管
(部分获奖名单 Partial list of winners)