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School Events丨ECE开放日:在福州西湖国际学校幼儿部,我们如何学习?

ECE Open House


Fuzhou Lakeside International School held its ECE Open House last Friday! On the occasion of the Thanksgiving Art Exhibition, parents enjoyed the FLIS students' drawings and visited a special ECE photography exhibition on the side. Then ECE & Primary Principal Mr. Eddy and ECE Director Ms. Chloe welcomed the parents and introduced them to the various areas of development for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old and how parents can assist their children in this area according to their age. Ms. Jeanne, FLIS Foreign Principal, also gave a presentation on “How to Create an Engaging, Warm and Innovative Home Learning Space for Your Child”.

▲ 每个班级的小朋友都为家长选择了一款甜品糕点!

This year, the ECE Department has added the IEYC program, an International Early Childhood Curriculum, to its existing curriculum. IEYC is a comprehensive curriculum for children aged 2-5 years old; it is currently used in more than 300 schools in more than 60 countries around the world. The program proposes eight learning principles that are consistent with the current cutting-edge international school curricula and four learning areas that support the holistic development of young children.

#Capture Curiosity

*以下图片均为大班本学期第一个主题“Going Places”的部分学习记录。

IEYC课程基于对全球范围内2-5岁小朋友的调研,精选出18个更受该年龄段喜爱的探索主题。在这些更适龄、更有针对性的趣味主题引导下,一个个闪光的“好奇瞬间”将被串起,点亮他们一生的探索发现之旅。因此,在每个单元的教案封面都印着: capturing curiosity,时刻提醒着教师们要尊重并激发孩子们的好奇心,让他们对世界保持好奇与兴趣。
The IEYC curriculum is based on a worldwide survey of children aged 2-5 years old, and 18 themes have been selected as the most popular topics for this age group to explore. Guided by these more age-appropriate, relevant and interesting themes, shining "moments of curiosity" will be strung together to light up their lifelong journey of exploration and discovery. For this reason, the cover of each unit's lesson plan reads: capturing curiosity, a constant reminder to teachers to respect and inspire children's curiosity and to keep them curious and interested in the world.

#Learning Units

自成体系又彼此联系的主题式学习单元是该课程的一大特色。每个IEYC主题单元都有其明确的学习进度,这为小伙伴们的学习提供了一个结构化的学习方法,确保他们在学习的过程中既充满兴趣又能完成教学目标。因此,拥有不同技能和属性的宝宝们既能按照各自兴趣的侧重点进行不同角度的探索,又能获得相关单元内自成体系的基础知识、技能和社会情感领域的培养,真正实现高质量的个性化学习(Individualized Learning) 。
The self-contained and interconnected thematic learning units are one of the program’s specialties. Each IEYC unit has a clear learning progression, which provides a structured approach to learning and ensures that the children are both interested and able to achieve the learning objectives. As a result, children with different skills and attributes are able to explore different perspectives according to the focus of their interests, while gaining a basic foundation of knowledge, skills, and social-emotional learning within the relevant unit, truly achieving high-quality individualized learning.

#International Dimension

One of the four areas of IEYC, independence and interdependence, is infiltrated in every IEYC learning unit. Through a series of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural age-appropriate fun activities, children naturally develop a profound understanding and acceptance of "different" and "same", learn to see the world from different perspectives (from "me" to "us"), think about the future, and learn how to be good global citizens.


Through this program, we are committed to nurturing children who are curious, love to explore, and have a global perspective.


On the day of the open house, parents also got to experience the daily learning patterns of their children in a classroom observation session where they did Thanksgiving crafts with their children, watched a surprise program prepared by the children, and received gifts from them! We hope that this day's activities allowed parents to know a little bit about FLIS' teaching philosophy and we hope that they benefited from it. Thank you for your participation and we hope you had a great Thanksgiving!