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School News丨恭喜我校学子荣获“印象•福州”大赛多项大奖!

the third annual "Impression of Fuzhou" Painting, Calligraphy, Composition, Photography, and Chinese Speech Contest for Overseas Chinese Primary and Secondary School Students


In order to actively display the image of Fuzhou to the outside world and attract more and more overseas Chinese youths to know Fuzhou better and pay attention to the development and changes of their hometown, the United Front Work Department of Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, Fuzhou Evening News, and the Overseas Department of Southeast.com held the third annual "Impression of Fuzhou" Painting, Calligraphy, Composition, Photography, and Chinese Speech Contest for Overseas Chinese Primary and Secondary School Students this year. Through painting and calligraphy, composition, photography, and Chinese speech contests, young people of Chinese descent living overseas, as well as those from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, were invited to explore the depth and breadth of China's outstanding culture and to share their passionate love for their hometown, family, and friends.

▲ 绘画组-优秀奖 Anna Liu 《福州城》:走进三坊七巷,人们会沉醉这里的古韵书香,更会赞叹福州独有的文化。生机盎然的绿植,是福州人的专注;鱼丸的浓香,是福州人的孝心;三山两塔,是福州人的意志。乘坐地铁来到森林公园,那颗古木参天的大榕树,记载了福州千年的历史。每一座城,都有别样的风格,影响着每一个生活在那里的人。家乡,是记忆的收藏夹,是家国情怀的起点。福州的历史、人文、景观,让我感受到了福州日新月异的快速发展。希望祖国能够凝聚中国力量,实现中国梦!

▲ 摄影组-优秀奖 Sunny Ye《鼓岭》

福州西湖国际学校通过层层选拔,输送了大量精心创作的书画、征文、摄影、演讲作品,积极参与大赛。上个月底,获奖结果终于揭晓啦!福州西湖国际学校荣获优秀组织单位奖,FLIS学子亦收获不少奖项,其中,Eugene Lin同学的摄影作品拔得头筹,获得了摄影组的特等奖,Eugene同学的指导老师也因此获得了优秀指导老师奖。让我们恭喜诸位获奖学子,也稍稍驻足,欣赏欣赏他们的作品吧!
Fuzhou Lakeside International School has been actively participating in the competition by sending many well-crafted works of calligraphy, painting, essay, photography, and speech through a selection process. At the end of last month, the winners were finally announced! FLIS won the Outstanding Organizational Unit Award, and our students also received many awards, including the Grand Prize in the photography category for Eugene Lin's photography and the Outstanding Teacher Award for Eugene's instructor. Eugene's tutor also won the Outstanding Tutor Award. Let's congratulate all the winners and stop by to admire their work.

绘画组 Painting
优秀奖 Honorable Mention:
Anna Liu 《福州城》
优秀奖Honorable Mention:  
Jennifer Huang 《家乡的味道》
特等奖Grand Prize:
Eugene Lin《福气长龙》

二等奖 Second Prize: 
Rainbow Lin《夜》             
Anna Liu《暖春四月,醉美上下杭》

优秀奖Honorable Mention:
Vivi Zhang《古巷韵色》
Sunny Ye《鼓岭》
Mia Xu《闲趣》

二等奖 Second Prize: 
Bobby Lin《闽江乡水情》 
优秀指导老师奖Outstanding Teacher Award
摄影特等奖Grand Prize for Photography:Eugene《福气长龙》

优秀组织单位奖Outstanding Organizational Unit Award

▲ 摄影组-特等奖  Eugene Lin《福气长龙》:愈夜愈美丽!大放异彩的灯光下,福州的夜晚仿佛变成了另一个城市,另一种景象,让人恋恋不舍。

▲ 征文组-优秀奖  Jennifer Huang 《家乡的味道》

▲ 摄影组-二等奖  Anna Liu《暖春四月,醉美上下杭》:改造后的上下杭,像一幅逶迤铺展的水墨丹青,在闲淡的光阴下,撩拨着历史的记忆。岁月的屋檐,依旧浪漫如初,那素朴纯然的,风韵独特的建筑让我感受到福州深厚的文化底蕴和时代的变迁。

▲ 摄影组-优秀奖  Vivi Zhang《古巷韵色》:还记得小时候贪玩,经常拉着爷爷跟我去那白墙黑瓦、古道青砖的三坊七巷。那天的风,弥漫着一条条小坊小巷的古韵书香。我和爷爷漫步在清晨阳光下,看见了一个个栩栩如生的铜人,我仿佛穿越回了民国时期,目睹了当年古道上的愠色风光。如今的我到了豆蔻年华,爷爷,也不禁白发苍苍。于是我重返故地,拍下了一张张属于我回忆里的画面。