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Focusing丨破茧成蝶的艺术少女 恭喜Nyree同学被多所顶级艺术院校录取!

Nyree used to be a silent girl.

公立校小学毕业后,父母想着送她出国,又不放心女儿成为“小留学生”,便动了送她来福州西湖国际学校的念头。FLIS老师提到Nyree, 说她初入FLIS那段时期不爱说话,有些内向;可问到十一年级时带Nyree参加ASDAN商赛的老师,已觉得这女孩同往日相异,眼中有光,做事很稳,“挺大气的女孩”。
After graduating from a public primary school, her parents wanted to send her abroad, but they thought their daughter was too young to be away from home in a boarding school, so they had the idea of sending her to Fuzhou Lakeside International School. One FLIS teacher said that Nyree was quiet and introverted when she first joined FLIS, but the teacher who took Nyree to participate in ASDAN Business Simulation during the 11th grade noticed that she was different from the past: you could notice light in her eyes, "a pretty composed girl".

Perhaps reticence actually makes a girl more attractive and makes people want to know more about her. What nourishes the silent mind? The answer is unknown, but one thing is certain: during these years, a glimmering dream was quietly conceived in the girl's heart.

"I have been fond of drawing since I was a child. I like to draw all kinds of little people on the drawing paper."

In the FLIS art class in junior high school, Nyree appreciated many artworks of different styles and got to know many artists and designers through the introduction of her art teacher. Under the encouragement of the teacher, Nyree began to practice art frequently and freely. As time went by, she gradually had expectations for the future. She conceived the idea of becoming a fashion designer, believing it was a self-expression that suited her. Fashion designers can equally meet the needs of different groups of people without discrimination. "It is a profession that brings fairness to all and contains a deep sense of humanity."

Nyree喜爱来自比利时的时装设计师Martin Margiela. 这位曾担任爱马仕设计总监的天才设计师以神秘著称,鲜少现身人前,但他古怪而倍具开创性的设计至今仍影响着世界的时尚。Margiela曾将自家品牌的春夏女装发布秀设在巴黎郊外的废墟中,现场挤满了兴奋的小朋友,与世人印象中专供精英、高端人士的奢华秀场截然不同。Nyree敬仰这位如今已自业界隐退多年的艺术家,认为他“是个十分有想法和追求的人”。
Nyree loves Belgian fashion designer Martin Margiela. The talented former Hermes design director is known for his mystique, who was rarely seen in public, but his quirky and groundbreaking designs still influence fashion around the world. Margiela had set up his spring/summer collection in a ruin outside Paris, packed with excited children, in a far cry from the world's image of a luxury show for the elite and high-end. Nyree admires the artist, who has been retired from the industry for many years, as "a very thoughtful and ambitious man".

▲ Nyree的作品集片段。

In the summer of 2019 Nyree went to England to attend the summer school courses at the University of the Arts London. Throughout the two weeks' study, she lingered in the world-famous art class, learning from Central Saint Martins' professors, walking in London's countless galleries to enjoy the world-famous paintings, and visiting art workshops to understand the creative process of art industry. At the end of the summer vacation, Nyree completed her portfolio of art university applications. She combined her own experience as well as the general thinking of the world, using "sleep disorder", "mukbang", and "anti-war" as the themes, and designed a series of stunning fashion work. Nyree's focus extends to others and the distant world from herself, even FLIS college counselors felt deeply impressed by her reflections on war and the fate of children. There was always a strong vitality in the heart of this once silent girl, struggling to break out of her shell, clamoring for light.

▲ Nyree的作品集片段。

Looking back on these years, Nyree's mother knew exactly how much effort her daughter had made to pursue her dream: after all, learning art is a long and arduous road. After making clear her future direction, Nyree made determined efforts towards the direction of fashion designer and studied painting passionately. In recent years, she had to travel between two places in order to complete her portfolio of art university applications. Nyree's mother especially thanked FLIS for their support and cultivation of her daughter. It was the unique teaching environment and friendly teachers and students here that made Nyree gradually open her heart and actively participate in various campus activities, dance performances, business competitions, and more. At the same time, the numerous art courses at FLIS also enables students to find their future direction, which helps a lot in each student’s journey to achieve their dream.

▲ 2018年,Nyree与同学一起参加ASDAN商赛。

于是,与Nyree及其家人充分沟通后,FLIS升学团队将美国的艺术高校作为申请的重点,在申请文书的头脑风暴中通过Nyree的艺术作品集挖掘她对于环境对于人类的生存环境以及当代青年中一些热点话题的思考,并将这些思考加以延伸,一一记录下来。升学指导老师也鼓励她与外教老师多多讨论拓展思路,帮助、完善申请文书中关于设计理念文章的写作。新年伊始,我们不断收到与Nyree有关的好消息,她先后被全美最前卫的纯艺术大学,美国Top 10的加州艺术学院(California College of the Arts,简称CCA);全美最大的艺术学院,也是全球最大的专门艺术大学之一的美国萨凡纳艺术与设计学院(简称SCAD);以及全美最佳设计学院前十名,校园安全最佳A+,学生满意度最佳A+的加州时尚设计商业学院(Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising,简称FIDM)等知名艺术大学录取!每一次收获都是曾经汗水的见证,我们为Nyree今日的喜报感到欣喜、骄傲。
Then, after thorough consultation with Nyree and her family, FLIS college counselors made art colleges and universities in the United States the focus of her application. Nyree conveyed her reflections on the living environment of human beings and some hot topics among contemporary young people through her portfolio and extended these thoughts in her application essay. She was also encouraged to have discussions with foreign teachers to expand her ideas and to improve the writing of her design concept in the application essay. Since the beginning of the New Year, we have continued to receive more and more good news from Nyree. She has now received admission notices from: the most avant-garde art university in the United States, one of the top 10 California College of the Arts (CCA) in the United States; the largest art college in the United States and one of the largest specialized art universities in the world, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD); and one of the top 10 best Design colleges in the United States, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) in California; and other famous art universities. Every harvest like this is the testimony of all the sweat and hard work; we felt so happy and proud of Nyree.

设计师Martin Margiela曾感叹社交媒体裹挟的过量讯息摧毁了“等待的快感”,令时装界一切惊喜消失殆尽,与日俱增的压力与过度增长的贸易需求让他最终选择了隐退。而时间来到2018年,Margiela荣获Belgian Fashion Awards所颁发的评审团大奖,在以书面形式发表的得奖感言中,他亦表示,“但今日,我很高兴看到一些新兴设计师为时尚界带来勃发的创造性。”
Fashion designer Martin Margiela lamented about "the overdose of information carried by social media, destroying the ‘thrill of wait’ and canceling every effect of surprise". The worldwide increasing pressure and the overgrowing demands of trade led him to retire. However, in a written acceptance speech for the 2018 Belgian Fashion Awards, where Margiela received the JuryPrize, he said, "but today, I am happy to notice again a growing interest for creativity in fashion, by some upcoming designers."
So, let us bless Nyree with our best wishes as she moves forward in the new starting point, realizing her dream, and infusing the industry with her pure and unique creativity!