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A Letter from the Primary Principal

2019-2020秋季学期即将结束。回望这一学期,大家有什么想要分享的吗?我们很高兴邀请到了小学部主管Eddy McKenna先生,与FLIS大家庭分享他的一些心绪。
The 2019-2020 fall semester is coming to an end. What can one recall when looking back over the semester? We are pleased to have the Principal of Primary School, Mr. Eddy McKenna, share a few thoughts with the FLIS family. 

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we approach Chinese New Year and the end of the first semester, I would like to thank you for your continued support of FLIS. Staff has been working hard and are very appreciative of the support and communication you give them. This semester seems to have flown by, so I would like to reflect on some things that have happened so far. Firstly, we have started to implement IPC this year. The students are taking great enjoyment from it due to the hands on activities, research and collaborative tasks, and field trips. The students’ interest has been gripped from the entry points and the delight and pride they show during the exit points when they display their learning to family members is the reason teachers become educators in the first place. If you did not get a chance to take part or observe your child’s exit point this semester, don’t worry, as there will be more in the future.  I highly encourage all parents to attend, if possible.

This semester we had two whole-school events: Halloween and the Christmas show. The children enjoyed themselves and you could feel the excitement and energy building in the school during the run-up to the events. They are a great chance for students to express themselves and the support and attendance of parents helps increase the sense of community and belonging that sets FLIS apart. For Spring Semester we have many more great events for students to showcase themselves and for parents to be involved in. Some of our upcoming activities include speech contests, the spelling bee, sports day, International Day, and our annual talent show. These events, which deepen your children’s educational experience and deliver so much enjoyment, take a great deal of organization and effort. They would not be possible to deliver without your continued support. Once again, I would like to thank the parents, staff, and students for all the hard work they put into these activities. With this in mind, I would like to wish you a peaceful and pleasant Chinese New Year.  I am looking forward to continuing our cooperation over the next semester and coming years.

Yours sincerely,

Eddy McKenna
Principal of Primary School  