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School News丨2019年度圣诞活动全纪录:Your wishes, our wishes!

Christmas Activities


Time flies and 2019 is gradually coming to an end. Despite the increasingly bleak weather and falling leaves on the streets, the atmosphere at Fuzhou Lakeside International School is becoming more and more lively day by day. Now that Christmas is near, we’ve recently started the FLIS Christmas Art Exhibition & Fundraising events.

2019年FLIS圣诞活动的主题为Your Wishes,Our Wishes. 在这个寒冷的冬季,我们希望尽微薄之力为需要帮助的人送去来自社会的关怀和温暖。今年,所有慈善活动筹集的资金都将尽数捐赠给隐惠园。本周圣诞慈善义卖正式开卖啦!经过一段时间的展出,孩子们的作品、手工艺品早已俘获不少观展人的心,预定、购买的人群络绎不绝,此外,我们为本次慈善活动所制作的周边产品也广受教职工及家长们的欢迎!感谢将才思奇想付诸行动并帮忙售卖的同学们,也感谢慷慨解囊的各位购买者,希望我们的义卖品能妆点您美丽的家,并化作送往隐惠园的一丝暖意。
The theme of the 2019 FLIS Christmas activities were “Your Wishes” & “Our Wishes”. During this cold winter season, we wanted to do our part. We’ve sent our love, support and warmth from the community to those in need. This year funds raised from the charity activities will be given to the Hidden Treasures Home. The Christmas charity sale officially opened this week and we created an exhibition that showcased our children's work and handicrafts. This attracted many visitors! Besides, the peripheral products we made for this charity were also widely welcomed by staff and parents! An extended thank you goes to our students who put their talents into action and then helped with sales and distributions. Also, for the generous buyers, we hope our charity products will decorate your beautiful homes and provide help for the Hidden Treasures Home.

12月20日,我们举办了盛大的圣诞派对提前庆祝这一节日!圣诞老人与大家打过招呼之后,孩子们轮番上台表演应景的节目,一首首圣诞歌曲唱毕,节日气氛渐浓……派对由我校王牌乐队FLIS Band开场,这次乐队主唱Jeffrey同学特地带来了自己的原创歌曲;八九岁的小朋友正处于掉牙期,以此为灵感,G2G的孩子带来了一首非常可爱的歌舞表演;演出过半,几位小演奏家用各自擅长的乐器合奏了一曲Ode to Joy, 随后,刚刚在FLIS举办了个人音乐会的James同学也为观众带来了古典吉他独奏;十年级的同学准备了新颖的话剧配音节目,他们惟妙惟肖的声线模仿赢得了阵阵掌声!演出过程中,FLIS学生代表将本次慈善活动所筹款项交给隐惠园负责人老师。希望隐惠园的孩子们也能度过一个温馨而圆满的圣诞节!
This year FLIS celebrated Christmas with a big party on December 20th. Last year was also a huge success! After Santa Claus said hello to everyone, the children took turns performing on stage. The Ace Band started the party with a performance and the holiday liveliness was apparent throughout each song. This year our student Jeffrey is the lead singer of a new band. They performed some original and cover songs. Children ranging in ages 8-9 years old are in the phase of losing their teeth so, G2G felt inspired by these occurrences and performed a very lovely song and choreography to compliment it. In addition, several “little musicians” played Ode to Joy with their respective instruments. Afterwards, James, who recently held a solo concert at FLIS, played another solo on his classical guitar for the audience. Grade 10 students prepared a novel play. Their lifelike voice imitation won a burst of applause! At the end of the show, FLIS student representatives handed over our charity check to the teacher in charge of the Hidden Treasures Home. We hope the children in Hidden Treasures Home can also have a warm and happy Christmas!


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday and see you in January!