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Talent Show | 寻找最闪亮的你:Searching for a Shining Star

Talent Show

寻 找 最 闪 亮 的 你

YOU lead ordinary lives. 
YOU follow a daily routine.
Occasionally YOU encounter 
difficulties or setbacks;
The criticism of others can cause YOU 
to lose confidence in yourself.
To avoid pride, 
YOU become humble.
To fit in, 
YOU learn not to outperform those around you.
The stresses of the world around you 
can sometimes make YOU feel 
small and powerless.

However, YOU are extraordinary.
YOU have your own thoughts, hopes, 
and dreams.
YOU are not a coward.
Faced with hardship YOU can choose 
to rise to the occasion and persist, 
despite the odds.
YOU can become determined to succeed.

Who are we looking for?
The brightest star - 

the bravest, the best YOU.

福州西湖国际学校于2019年6月14日举行了一年一度的「才艺秀」!本届才艺秀主题为「寻找最闪亮的你」。表演以FLIS乐队的两首金曲演绎拉开序幕,之后轮番歌舞不停,一年级R班的Dustin同学邀请爸爸与四年级的姐姐Molly一起,奉献了精彩的弹唱节目,观众大呼温馨;可爱的Enki与Harper同学四手联弹,联袂演绎一曲Hockey Marching Song, 赢得掌声不断;本届才艺秀,FLIS中文部老师带着孩子们精心编排了特色诗歌朗诵节目《大美中华》,在展示才艺的同时,也发扬了中华传统文化~今天我们还通过投票选出了2019 FLIS“最佳校园才艺之星”!
Fuzhou Lakeside International School held its annual Talent Show on June 14, 2019. The theme of this year's Talent Show is "Searching for a Shining Star". The show began with two classical songs by FLIS band. After that, Dustin(G1R) brought a brilliant performance in which he invited his father and his sister Molly(G4) to play guitar and sing together; lovely Enki and Harper performed a piano duet program "Hockey Marching Song", winning thunderous applause. This year's talent show, FLIS Mandarin department choreographed a special poetry recitation program "Splendid China", in which the performers also honor traditional Chinese culture. And we also voted for the 2019 FLIS "Best Talent Star"!

Best Talent Star

Boulevard of broken dream + Zombie 
FLIS Band (Jeyden Wu, Stacy Cui, Jeffery Chen, Tony Dong, Sean Chen, Ashley Wu, Steve Li, Diego Tang)

G3D (Sheldon Lin)

G10-G12 (Tony Wang, Giovanna Monteiro, Kaiden Trevon Myers, Christina Weng, Maria Carolina)

Meanwhile, since the semester is coming to an end, FLIS also held its art exhibition! This exhibition exhibits dozens of paintings, sculptures, floral works and calligraphy works, all of which are produced by our own students! The exhibition will last until June 28, and you are welcome to stop by and enjoy it!