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小学部 Primary Program



At Fuzhou Lakeside International School, the Elementary program covers grades 1-5. In English and Mathematics, we follow the New York State Standards whilst all other subjects follow the International Primacy Curriculum. This uses thematic units of learning through which teachers create fun and engaging student-centered learning opportunities that allow our students to make connections between all subjects and the world around them. Our goal is to develop informed, curious, globally competent and future-ready lifelong learners. The IPC incorporates not only the subjects of History, Geography, Science, Design Technology and Innovation, Health and Wellbeing, ICT and Computing, which are all taught by the Homeroom teachers but also, Art, Music, Physical Education and Dance, each of which have their own specialist teachers.



In each Homeroom class, the teaching team comprises of a qualified International teacher and a bilingual teacher, who provides teaching assistance to students with lower level English. For students with below-grade level English ability, we have a number of support structures in place such as tailored small group English classes, an after-school tutoring program and individualized education plans.


Fuzhou Lakeside International School embraces the role of technology in education and all students of primary are required to have an iPad for learning and research purposes.



We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer throughout the year about which more information can be found in the extra-curricular section of our website. If you wish to know more about our Elementary school program, please don’t hesitate to contact student affairs and arrange a tour and information session.
