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School News丨中学部一周回顾:青葱年少 未来可期!

During the Dragon Boat Festival, while everyone was racing dragon boats and eating zongzi, a group of students from Fuzhou Lakeside International School were in Sanya, Hainan Province, competing in the ASDAN Business Simulation.

The ASDAN Business Simulation was created in an effort to help the aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow grasp a better logistical and strategic understanding of how to run a business. During the simulation students are actively involved in creating and deciding on every aspect of their business from their company culture to their production needs. The interactive aspect of the simulation is a great way for students to get involved in thinking about the practicalities of running a business.

刚抵达三亚那会儿,蓝天白云沙滩几乎让学子们忘记了此行的目的,可一旦抵达酒店,他们立刻投入到紧张的比赛准备中。低年级及高年级组均围绕球鞋为主打产品进行公司建构。低年级组从网球比赛中汲取灵感,将公司命名为Receivers, 学子设计的球鞋外形时尚,强调舒适的穿着体验;高年级组则主要针对职业篮球选手及篮球运动、球鞋爱好者进行产品设计,公司名为Retro. 两所公司都在市场销售外注重企业的社会责任,低年级组希望通过利润帮助非洲儿童的学业,高年级组则致力于保护海洋及海洋生物。两队都取得了耀眼的成绩:高年级组获颁ASDAN英国青年企业家证书,位列优秀交易团队之一,低年级组则晋级全国赛,并难得地在有关公司社会责任的演讲比赛中获得满分!经此一役,学子们的团队协作能力、沟通能力、演讲能力与市场分析能力都有了大幅提升。祝贺你们!
When FLIS students first arrived in Sanya, the blue sky and white clouds and sandy beaches almost made them forget the purpose of the trip, but once they had enough to eat and drink, they immediately went into intense preparation for the competition. Both the junior and senior groups built their companies around sneakers as their main product. The junior group took inspiration from tennis and named their company Receivers, where the students designed stylish shoes with an emphasis on comfort; the senior group was mainly designed for professional basketball players, basketball enthusiasts and sneaker enthusiasts, and the company was called Retro. Both companies focused on corporate social responsibility outside of marketing, with the junior group hoping to help children in Africa with their education, and the senior team was dedicated to protecting the oceans and marine life. Both teams achieved outstanding results: the senior team was awarded the ASDAN UK enterprise award and was ranked as one of the top trading teams, while the junior team advanced to the national round and received a perfect score in a speech contest on corporate social responsibility! Thanks to this event, the students' teamwork, communication, presentation and market analysis skills have all improved significantly. Congratulations to all of you!

近日,MYP4 phase 4的同学也为课业忙碌不已。在主题为“人的权利”的单元学习中,学子了解了孩子的受教育权。与此同时,他们也为我国西部贫困地区孩子的受教育状况感到忧心,希望伸出援手。起初,phase 4同学们希望可以通过募捐书籍为西部地区的小朋友送去知识的力量,在与师友多番交谈、讨论,并亲自前往小学教室一一宣讲后,捐献范围扩大到了书籍+日常用品。学子们精心制作了课件,通过图片、视频及演讲,令小学生感受到了西部孩子的困境,连日来大家热情高涨,纷纷整理出家中可供捐赠的物品,献出一份爱心。这也是孩子们服务性学习的一环:他们会在课堂上学习必备知识和技能,然后运用所学服务于社区。其实,这亦非FLIS学子首次参与募捐活动,FLIS圣诞慈善季活动已持续多年。FLIS鼓励学生们尽己所能对他人施以援手。我们希望在提升学生学术成绩的同时,培养他们的社会道德责任感。预祝此次活动得以圆满、顺利完成!
Recently, MYP4 Phase 4 students have been busy with their class work. In the unit of study titled "Human Rights ", the students learned about the right of children to education. At the same time, they were also concerned about the education situation of children in poor areas in western China and wanted to lend a helping hand. At first, phase 4 students hoped to donate books to send the power of knowledge to the children in the western region, but after many conversations and discussions with teachers and friends, and personal visits to primary classrooms, the scope of donation was expanded to include books plus daily necessities. The students made elaborate lessons, and through pictures, videos and speeches, they made primary students feel the plight of children in western China. For days, everyone was enthusiastic and organized items at home that could be donated to give a helping hand. This is part of the community service learning process for the children: they learn the necessary knowledge and skills in the classroom and then apply them to serve their communities. In fact, this is not the first time FLIS students have participated in a fundraiser, as the FLIS Christmas season has been going on for years, and students are encouraged to give to others in any way they can. We hope to foster a sense of social and moral responsibility in our students while enhancing their academic performance. We wish the event a successful completion!

On June 11, we were fortunate to have a musical theater performer, Ms. Cai Xintong, from Fujian Provincial Opera and Dance Theater, present a lecture on musical theater to the secondary students. What is musical theatre? During the lecture, Ms. Cai briefly introduced this art to the students, shared her understanding of musical theater, and gave a small taste of it by shining her voice in front of the FLIS students. In addition, Ms. Cai invited students to the stage and corrected them one by one on any deficiencies in their singing style, which was very beneficial to everyone. We hope to expose our students to a bigger world and a broader stage. The school year is coming to an end and the heat is on, what else will the vibrant FLIS Secondary Division bring to you? Stay tuned!