School News丨WELCOME BACK! 2024-2025学年顺利起航
福州西湖国际学校(FLIS)于本周拉开2024-2025学年大幕。作为一所IB MYP世界学校,FLIS始终以学术为重,致力于发展全人教育,培养均衡发展、有爱心、有原则、能够为变化迅速的未来做好准备的学子。
Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS) kicked off its 2024-2025 school year this week. As an IB MYP World School, academics are important in FLIS and the school is committed to developing a whole-child education that fosters balanced, caring, principled students who are prepared for a rapidly changing future.
MYP's Curriculum Exhibition was a big hit at last year's Opening Ceremony, and this year, FLIS extended it to all departments by holding a whole-school Program Fair on Monday during the Opening Day activities. Parents and students had the opportunity to take a 'big picture' view of the curriculum for all grades by looking at the boards arranged by the subject teachers, which contained information on subject content, ATL’s(approaches to learning), teacher profiles, BMP (Behavior Management Program) policies, IB elements, clubs, and Managebac. There were also subject teachers on hand to answer questions from parents. It is hoped that this event will help to increase understanding of the FLIS program!
各部门主管也在相应的开学说明会上进一步对各种学术项目进行了介绍。今年,FLIS幼儿园(ECE)及小学部正式进入IB PYP候选阶段,在即将到来的新学年里,ECE部门将继续推行“玩中学”理念,玩耍不仅仅是娱乐和游戏——它对开启孩子学习和成长潜能而言也极为关键。PYP早期课程让孩子能够自由地玩耍、学习,从而培养好奇心、创造力和自信心,使他们能够在今天乃至未来茁壮成长;进入小学阶段,PYP将继续开发儿童的好奇心、创造力与自省能力,创造刺激而具有挑战性的学习环境,并以单元学习的形式进行探究:我们是谁?我们处于哪个时空?我们如何表达自我、世界如何运转?通过探究一个个看似抽象的概念,学子也在学习种种跨学科的知识,并将之运用于现实生活之中。
The department directors also further introduced the various academic programs at their respective orientation. This year, the IB Candidacy phase begins for ECE and Primary, and in the upcoming school year, the ECE will continue to promote the concept of “Learning Through Play,” which is more than just fun and games - it's fundamental to unlocking a child's potential to learn and grow. The PYP early years allow children to play and learn, so they can build the proven curiosity, creativity, and confidence they'll need to thrive today—and well into the future. In the Primary, the PYP continues to develop children's curiosity, creativity, and ability to reflect through a stimulating, challenging learning environment and through units of inquiry such as, “Who are We”, “Where Are We In Place and Time”, “How Do We Express Ourselves” and “How Does the World Work”. By exploring seemingly abstract concepts, students are also learning about transdisciplinary knowledge and applying it to real-world situations.
MYP主管Callum先生则向家长介绍了IB MYP有别于传统课堂,以学生为中心、基于探究式学习的授课方式。在学生为中心的学习环境中,学子更加积极地进行探究、参与小组合作,分享知识与经验——新的知识以许多不同的方式涌现出来:有些来自教师,但也有些来自研究、实践实验、文本和学生讨论;这更接近学生在高等教育和成年生活中所需的技能。在高中&学院部开学说明会上,家长们了解了FLIS高中各个课程项目与FLIS毕业证书的含金量,高中部主管Virginia老师强调,在这个阶段学子要分析自己,找到优势点、抓住机遇,借力资源取得成功。
MYP Director Mr. Callum introduced parents to the student-centered, inquiry-based learning approach of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), which differs from the traditional classroom mode. In this environment, students are more actively engaged in inquiry, group work, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences. New knowledge emerges in various ways—not only from the teacher but also through research, hands-on experiments, texts, and student discussions—better preparing students with the skills they will need in higher education and adult life. At the High School Orientation, parents learned about the various FLIS High School & Academy programs and the value of the FLIS diploma, and Mrs. Virginia, the High School & Academy Director, emphasized the importance of analyzing oneself at this stage of life to find one's strengths, take advantage of opportunities, and leverage resources to achieve success.
傍晚,操场迎来热热闹闹的开学集市活动,当天更有麦当劳阳光小黄车进驻校园,找到开学礼包中的拼图碎片,完整拼出FLIS校训「忠 恕 達 仁」的学子均可获得甜筒一份。你和谁「拼了」?有交到新朋友吗?社团招新也是集市亮点之一。高尔夫、网球、滑板、古典乐团、合唱团、可乐实验室……今年,你想在课外拓展哪些新兴趣?别忘了在截止日期之前报名哦!
At 16:35, the playground ushered in a bustling opening bazaar, and McCafe was even stationed on campus that day! Students who completed the puzzle pieces which spelled out the FLIS school motto, “Integrity, Respect, Versatility, Honor,” were rewarded with an ice cream cone. With whom did you solve the puzzle? Did you make any new friends? Club recruitment was also one of the highlights of the bazaar. Golf, tennis, skateboarding, chamber music, choir, Cola STEM and many others. What new interests would you like to explore outside the classroom this year? Don't forget to sign up before the deadline!
Let's build an AMAZING year!
It's been a week since school started,
and we hope you're getting used to
the rhythm of campus life.
This is the thirteenth year of FLIS,
and each year we get better and better!
Let's build an AMAZING year!