At FLIS Admissions, we are deeply committed to student success – both inside and outside of the classroom – and we can’t wait to meet students who would thrive here. 在此,我们致力于助力学生获得成功,无论是课堂内或是课堂之外--迫不及待地想见到那些即将在这里茁壮成长的学生们。
Thank you for your interest in visiting Fuzhou Lakeside International School.
We would love to invite prospective families to visit school in person, but in order to keep the campus safe and students' studies from being disrupted, our campus is only open for a limited number of times each day and we do not accept any walk-in visits without an appointment. Please contact the Students Affairs office in advance and they will be happy to assist you. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Book a Tour on Line在线预约校园参观>>>>>>
Students Affairs Office 学生部: +86-591-28066277,+86-591-83155555,Email: studentaffairs@flis.cn