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With temperatures soaring, the sky clear and everything growing, spring has made a strong comeback. In IPC learning, primary school students began to explore more of their surrounding environment and nature, and they went out of the classroom to experience the beautiful outdoor spring. In the topic “The Nature of Life”, G4Y students learned about how different eggs have evolved to protect their unborn animals in different ways. They decided to investigate the strength of a single chicken egg. First, they made predictions about how much one egg would be able to bear. Then, students conducted an experiment to check their predictions. They concluded that eggs are much stronger than they thought!

In addition, G4Y students also held a debate about extinct animals. They collected data and sifted through it, built their arguments, and reflected on the impact of human beings on nature during the debate. Why do we choose to protect wasps over giant salamanders? Why do California Condors need protection? Why are they going extinct? How can we make our arguments more convincing? Round after round, students not only increased the cognition of nature, but also exercised their eloquence and dialectical thinking. At the Exit Point, students went to Shanhai Museum of Taxidermy to listen to the explanation, appreciate a variety of animal and insect specimens, and learn about the taxidermy of intangible cultural heritage.

Second grade students are learning nature related content; they made various mini-gardens, which were a great little project that enabled students to take a closer look at how sustainable environments are important to the health of plants, and by extension, how clean environments promote healthy living for humans. To this end, they went to Fuzhou Bird and Fish Market to look at living plants and animals, such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The students also bought their favorite accessories for their mini-gardens in the flower garden shop.

Next, G4Y students will enter a new unit: "What's on the menu?" Food is all-encompassing and provides us with the energy we need for daily life. Have you ever wondered how food is produced and stored? How many processes does food need from raw ingredients to table? Have you looked at the composition of shops in the neighborhood? As the topic-learning develops, the students will draw their own map of the neighborhood as they understand it. They hope they can find answers to those questions before the Exit Point – they might explore something more than we expect!