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School News丨恭喜FLIS学子于澳大利亚数学思维挑战中斩获佳绩!

Year 2020 is a tough year for the entire world. Luckily, our students have connected together, accepted the challenges, and enhanced our academic ability. In this year’s Australian Mathematics Competition, we have demonstrated good performance and proved ourselves. 


Every semester, FLIS will introduce a number of interesting and beneficial international academic competitions to enrich the students' experience in international competitions, deepen their understanding of IB spirit and subjects, and cultivate their confidence and courage.

澳大利亚数学思维挑战是全球历史悠久的金牌校际数学思维挑战,由国际权威学术机构澳大利亚数学联合会 (AMT) 举办。AMT由澳大利亚著名数学家 Peter O’Halloran 发起创办,是国际权威的学术机构之一,旨在丰富各个阶段学生的数学教育内容,提供更前沿的数学思想、理论动态和教育资源。四十三年来共有来自32个国家的1500万学生参与该活动,新颖的题型和多语言试题让全球数学爱好者们得以在数学领域深刻切磋,共同学习,并深刻认识到数学在生活中的重要性。
The Australian Mathematics Competition is a mathematics competition run by the Australian Maths Trust for students from year 3 up to year 12 in Australia, and their equivalent grades in other countries. Over the past 43 years, more than 15 million students from 32 countries have participated in the program, and the innovative format and multilingual questions have allowed mathematics enthusiasts around the world to interact, learn together, and gain a deep appreciation for the importance of mathematics in their lives.

本次我校中学部共有30名学生获奖,其中二等奖2名,分别为Jason Weng同学与Joshua Chen同学;三等奖10名,分别为Dolfin Wu, Harveych Zhang, Jenny Weng, Andy Zhang, Gary Lei, Jimmie Huang, John Chen, Ryan Ding, Tony Woo以及Tim Chen同学,另有小学部的Danny Ye, Olivia Xu与Abby Xie同学斩获三等奖。
This time, there are 30 students in the secondary school who have won the prize, among which 2 won the Distiction. They are Jason Weng, Joshua Chen. The third prize winners are Dolfin Wu, Harveych Zhang, Jenny Weng, Andy Zhang, Gary Lei, Jimmie Huang, John Chen, Ryan Ding, Tony Woo, Tim Chen. Other Primary students(Danny Ye, Olivia Xu, and Abby Xie) also won the third prize.

The academic competition provide us an opportunity to challenge ourselves and make continuous progress. We hope the FLIS students can make more progress in the future. Congratulations to you all!