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A Letter from the ECE Principal

Dear Parents and lovely ECE Students,

新年好!我们共同度过了一个匆匆却意义非凡的学期。每一天,我们都用镜头记录小朋友的点点滴滴,见证孩子成长路上的每一个“闪光点”。回顾是一场仪式, 时光荏苒,转眼间又是一年。 这一学期,我们见证了小班学生的转变:从开学初的不安与不舍,到如今能够淡定与家人挥别、暖心地同教师问好;中班小朋友变得更加独立,自信满满;大班学生已然成长为主动的学习者和积极的探究者。
Happy New Year! We spent a short but meaningful term together. Every day we used the camera to record the children's daily life and to witness their growth through every "flash" that is taken. A year has passed in a wink of an eye, time flies by so quickly and it’s time to review and look into the future. This semester, we witnessed the change of Nursery students. They were so resilient and unwilling to separate from their families at the beginning of this semester. Now, they can calmly wave goodbye to parents and say hello to teachers. Pre-K students became more and more independent and confident and Kindergarten students have grown into active learners and inquirers.

Halloween Parade

Soccer Class

Christmas Perfermance-KB Class


This semester we led students to learn through 11 different themes. These rich interdisciplinary and thematic teaching activities have deepened kids’ understanding of thematic vocabulary and core cognitive content from different perspectives. The most distinctive festival themes of the semester made learning more than just a formality. Through our children’s direct perception, practical operation and personal experience, these themes let them truly appreciate the international festival culture and festival spirit.

本学期我们也对中大班的学生正式开放了CAASEL中心,让教育场所不仅局限于传统课堂。幼儿天生喜欢亲近自然,与自然互动之际,幼儿感官开放,注意力集中,情感充沛,兴趣浓厚。在CAASEL充满舒适、愉悦、惊喜和诗意的环境氛围中, 孩子们学会了观察、发现与创作。CAASEL中心有助于培养幼儿的动手能力和宽广的思维模式,帮助幼儿提高自我认知,自信自立、健康快乐地成长!
This semester we also officially opened the CAASEL center to Nursery and Pre-K students, extending the educational space beyond the traditional classroom. Kids naturally like to be close to nature. They interacted with nature with open senses, focused attention, abundant emotion and a strong interest. Through CAASEL's comfort, delight and poetic environment, which was also full of surprise, children learned to observe, discover and create. The CAASEL center helped to cultivate children's practical ability and broaden their thinking mode; helped children improve self-cognition, self-confidence, self-reliance; contributed to their healthy and happy growth!

In the new semester, we will plan more diverse outdoor explorations and activities according to their learning themes. We will integrate STEAM elements into the curriculum. We will also invite Nursery students to experience the CAASEL center in preparation for the upcoming IEYC (International Early Years Curriculum) in the new school year!

Finally, I want to thank all the staff for their efforts in the past year. I feel so grateful to parents for their support, understanding and recognition. I also want to express my gratitude to ECE kids for bringing us so much joy; it’s my pleasure to learn and grow with you all! I would like to wish you all the best during the Spring Festival holiday, and look forward to welcoming you back in good spirits. Let’s have an exciting new semester together!
Yours sincerely,
Chloe Chen
ECE Principal